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4.9 out of 5
98.46% of customers are satisfied
5.0 out of 5 stars The Best Christmas Carol Book for SATB Choirs
Second to none in its genre. The best selection ( from the Carols for Choirs series of books by the same publisher etc ) and the best arrangements. Brass parts also available separately for some of the classics such as “O Come All Ye Faithful”, “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” etc. Unrivalled.
5.0 out of 5 stars The definitive carol book
Spiral binding is good for singing from a music folder. Needs handling with care to make it last, I suspect, but probably better than breaking the spine on a normal binding. Not cheap, but a deserved classic songbook.
5.0 out of 5 stars Handy and with every carol I want
Having given away all of my Carols for Choirs books a couple of years ago, thinking I would not need them again, I discovered that I did in fact need them last Christmas! I spent ages trying to find a music book with decent arrangements of all the carols I needed. This one turned up trumps. All my favourites are in there with all my favourite arrangements, and most were put to very good use. It's a very good selection indeed and most of the more remote carols with "strange" arrangements have been omitted.A most convenient facility is that it is spiral bound and so it lays flat on a music stand.
5.0 out of 5 stars The best of carols included and some new carols not in the other two books.
Some carols in the other Carols for Choirs books are included but some with new arrangements andsome new carols which every choir member will appreciate. Harold Darke's 'In the bleak mid winterpreviously on a separate sheet is a welcome addition. This book will provide many carols for carol concerts and services. The choir masters will have a real hay day in making choices for the Christmas season.For pianists and organists a ample source of music to play for Christmas services and concerts.
4.0 out of 5 stars Call book
Singing for years so nice to have so many pieces in one book. delivered on time. Good price but a little disappointed with the paper quality, somewhat thin in comparison to other book I have in this series of Carol books. Can see next page notes through page when note flat.
5.0 out of 5 stars Ready for Christmas
100 Carols for Choirs is a great book. Every year the Choir that I sing in use this book at Christmas to start the festivities to be begin!
5.0 out of 5 stars As the name implies, it’s ideal for choirs
I like the spiral binder as it makes it easier to keep the book open at the required page.
5.0 out of 5 stars New carols
This book can provide some wonderful carols which can make such a lovely change from the more traditional ones.
Carols for Choirs
Ottima idea del King's College Choir di pubblicare il loro vasto repertorio. L'istituzione è da secoli un modello per le formazioni corali di tutto il mondo. In questi volumi è contenuta una grande quantità di bella musica e di repertorio tradizionale in arrangiamenti efficaci. I Maestri del King's College Choir confermano in questa pubblicazione il loro talento e la loro arte e forniscono materiale in gran quantità per ogni tipo di coro.
Achat utile pour chanter en anglais.
Très bon achat qui sera utilisé pour chanter avec ma chorale lors des concerts de Noël.
Five Stars
better than expected, book in great condition
For those who love a cappella and caroling
This is mostly a cappella arrangements. It is ring-bound so it opens flat despite its thickness (almost 3cm thick). But that means if you are not careful, you can pull the pages and tear the perforation. A great addition to your a cappella collection for years of fun caroling.
Excelente Selección
Me gustó mucho la selección de obras dentro de este libro, desgraciadamente uno se queda con las ganas de conocer lo que los otros 5 libros de Villancicos contienen. Ya que son versiones y obras diferentes.No me gustó que la cantidad de villancicos latinoamericanos es nula y tampoco hay muchos espirituales (go tell it on the mountains, etc...).
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