About this item:
Face gel cream for daily use specifically for skin with a seborrheic tendency
In outbreak, 2 times a day after gentle cleansing of the affected areas. As maintenance, use daily. In adjuvant use, apply 1-2 hours after the prescribed treatment.
4.5 out of 5
90.77% of customers are satisfied
5.0 out of 5 stars Works well
Had several areas of skin on my face that were flaky and itchy and nothing seemed to ease it - even prescribed medication. This cream was a last resort.... and worked. It reduced the redness and completely cleared the dry flakey skin. Now reduced use to once a day and my skin has remained clear.
5.0 out of 5 stars ISDIN -try it - an improvement after 5 days
Really like this product - have applied a very small amount six times and there is a vast improvement already. The spots and the redness on my forehead were quite bad but have now almost all disappeared and likewise for the area going down the side of my nose to the top of the lip. Between my eyebrows is still a little red but it had worsened considerably over the last couple of months and I will continue with the cream in that area until it goes. Its trial and error to see how long the improvement lasts but that's something that is easy to cope with. If symptoms come back I will just start again for a couple of days. There's no smell to the cream, it feels soothing on the face and it doesn't take long to sink into the skin. It has stopped my skin from feeling itchy, tight, uncomfortable and - even better - stopped the burning.
5.0 out of 5 stars Very good indeed
I have had seb derm on the skinfolds next to my nose for decades, usually kept at bay by skin serums and occasional steroid cream. It had worsened over the last few months. Nothing worked and I had resorted to using low steroid cream again, knowing its not the answer long term. I read the reviews here and decided to give it a try. It resolved the scaly, itchy skin almost overnight. I'm using it twice a day, but very small amounts indeed and it seems to be keeping it at bay. Am very pleased to find something that actually works, therefore well worth the cost. Using such small amounts also means it should last a long time. Very happy to recommend to others.
4.0 out of 5 stars Expensive for size but very good
It works I’m surprised
5.0 out of 5 stars Really works
Amazing product. Got rid of flaky patches down side of nose. Will buy again (lasts for ages though)
3.0 out of 5 stars Waste of money.
Didn’t work for me on any part of my skin.
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent cream fo S. D
I don't usually writes reviews but I felt I needed to write this. I've had sed derm for years.. Comes and goes. I've tried every new lotion, potion and new gimmick under the sun but this one I feel is different. My recent out break was around my nose and cheeks and was becoming stubborn. I came across this and the reviews were pretty good so I decided to give it a go. After 5 days the symptoms were almost completely gone. The cream started to feel good on my skin from the first application. There just feels like there is something in this that just works. Although this cream is good it will not work by itself.. You need a good gentle daily hygiene routine along with this.. I also apply nizoral shampoo onto the skin at evening time every 4 days.. Even on the face and apply this cream after you wash it off.. Leave nizoral on for 4-5 mins.. 4 days later I do exactly the same but this time with selsun shampoo.. And continue this sequence between nizoral and selsun.. Every other morning and evening I use a very mild face wash and then apply this cream. I hope this helps..
5.0 out of 5 stars grat product
suits me well
Overpriced for its worth
It feels into that grey area of a scam. This product has nothing in it that's specific for Seb Dermatitis and it really doesn't work aside from the moisturizing part which you can get from far better and less expensive products.Meh
Problemi risolti
Ho provato di tutto, dalle creme, agli esfolianti, avevo un problema di dermatite, quindi pelle tutta squamosa e arrossata, barba anche.Tutte le altre creme tamponavano il problema che puntualmente tornava da anni.Con questa crema è tutta un altra storia.Ho la pelle perfetta.Non è una recensione sponsorizzata, è una recensione reale, vi consiglio di provarla se avete problemi
Por fin algo que funciona para mi piel
Llevo años lidiando con piel grasa y descamación, sobre todo en la zona T. Después de probar varios productos que no daban los resultados que esperaba, decidí probar ISDIN Nutradeica tras leer varias opiniones positivas y ver que estaba diseñado específicamente para estos problemas.Desde que lo uso, he notado una diferencia enorme en mi piel. El gel-crema es ligero, se absorbe rápido y no deja sensación grasosa. En pocos días, la descamación se redujo muchísimo y mi piel luce más equilibrada. Ya no me preocupan los brillos en la frente y nariz, y las zonas más secas ahora se sienten hidratadas.Siento que finalmente tengo algo que funciona para mi tipo de piel. A largo plazo, sé que me hará la vida más fácil, ya que podré mantener la piel controlada y sin los problemas de antes. Me siento más segura y cómoda, especialmente en reuniones o eventos importantes. Definitivamente se ha ganado un lugar en mi rutina diaria.
Efficace contre la dermatite séborrhéique
Une des rares crèmes qui est réellement efficace contre la dermatite séborrhéique, réduisant donc les squames, les rougeurs, et l'excès de sébum, en 24-48 heures en ce qui me concerne. Chacun est différent ceci dit. J'ai essayé un bon nombre d'alternatives, et j'en reviens toujours à celle-ci. Elle laisse la peu hydratée et souple.
Das einzige, was zu funktionieren scheint
Ich habe seit 15 Jahren Probleme mit meiner Gesichtshaut und habe alle Produkte ausprobiert, die es gibt. Nichts hat wirklich geholfen. Natürlich haben Steroide sehr geholfen, aber am Ende will man sie nicht über einen längeren Zeitraum anwenden, so dass ich dort festsaß. Dies ist die einzige Creme, die meine Haut beruhigt und Ausbrüche verhindert! Ich verwende sie nicht wie empfohlen, sondern trage nur alle 2 Tage eine kleine Menge auf, und sie scheint die Dinge unter Kontrolle zu halten. Ja, sie ist teuer, aber ich habe sie jetzt zum zweiten Mal bestellt. Würde es auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen.
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