About this item:
Braun Oral-B water jet oral irrigator.
1. Fill the water reservoir with water. 2. Select one of the four WasserJet nozzles and plug it on. 3. Turn on the device and point the water jet at the gum edges and hard to reach areas. 4. Adjust the water pressure according to your needs. 5. Use the device daily for thorough cleaning and massage of the gums.
4.8 out of 5
95.00% of customers are satisfied
5.0 out of 5 stars Much healthier gums after 7 days and a well worth addition to cleaning routine
Wish it held more water and is a little on the loud side other than that, works fanatically, have honestly noticed that my gums look and feel better for it.I wear a guard pretty much 24/7 at the moment and my dentist pointed out that my gums are starting to suffer from it and suggested I get a water flossier to help stop gum disease.Just a few points I feel people may benefit from:(1) Try not to close your mouth, just let the water run out while using it, yes its messy and maybe a towel round the sink would be a good idea but its much easier than your mouth filling with water and stopping it from doing its job.(2) If you have sensitive teeth try warm water, cold water was uncomfortable form me.(3) Add a cap full of corsodyl mouthwash before adding water to help speed up results if you already have slight gum disease.(4) Still use floss unless you are unable to (hand problems), yes the water jet does a good job but it wont remove larger food stuck between teeth like actual floss will, the water jet is an on top of product I feel.(5) Move slowly tooth to tooth and remember to do front and back. I always find doing the all my front first then the back gets cleaner results.(6) I would use the top speed as soon as you can, gives far better results.
5.0 out of 5 stars Brilliant once you get it working!
I have been using this for several months now and think it is amazing. Every morning before I brush my teeth I use this and am always astounded by the amount of dirt that comes out my mouth! Firstly I will say that when I first bought it I thought it was broken. I had plugged it in in the bathroom and nothing happened. Finally I realise that it needed to be plugged into the 115V and not the 230V. When I first began to use it it was a little bit painful and my gums would bleed. I began on setting one and over the months have slowly increased and I’m now using setting 4. It is no longer painful at all. The key is to keep your mouth open so the water can flow straight back out and into the sink.
4.0 out of 5 stars How it works
I bought this not really knowing how it works from the photographs of the listing so having used it for a few weeks I thought it would help to describe it more closely for future buyers.It has a tank that gets filled with water (the blue part on the left of the hand held dispenser).there is a coiled tube from the tank to the chargeable dispenser that comes out of the unit to supply the water during use as the dispenser is not large enough to hold the amount of water needed for a single use.The dispenser is charged as an electric tooth brush and therefore is waterproof.The button on the side of the unit controls the pressure of the water and is also the on/off switch.To use (it has taken a few goes to get the hang of it) you switch the unit on, place it in your mouth and I close my mouth initially, spray the areas then open your mouth over the sink and let the access water out as you continue to spray I then close my mouth until it is full of water then open to release the water into the sink. I do this until I think it has jetted the whole area needing flossing.This uses up anything between a half and full container of water.There is a switch on the dispenser to turn the jet of water on or off. In the off position the pump in the main unit goes on standby and makes a bit of a noise until you press the hand unit to jet the water.Once you get used to how it works and how to avoid getting yourself wet during usage it works well and does a good job.I find it particularly useful with bridgework in getting hard to reach areas clean.I have given it 4 points as its a bit of a contraption to have in the bathroom but it works well,One downside is the fittings on the end of the hand unit can rotate whilst in your mouth making it more difficult to aim the jet but you can get used to that over time and compensateIt does work on a shaver socket so you can use ut in the bathroom.
5.0 out of 5 stars Brilliant
As water flossers go, this is the business. I have tried others but the performance of this little beauty is matchless.Don't look elsewhere, but this one if you have a shaver socket to plug it in. It has great water capacity and good water power to get rid of the flotsam and jetsam between teeth. And power washes the rest of your teeth too. And massages the gums, and has variable settings so you can start gently and work your way up to level 5. If you can take it!I wouldn't do without it. I have had several of these over the years and they last about 3 years on average before the spiral wire splits and leaks, but for what it does I am happy with it's lifespan.
5.0 out of 5 stars Impressive
At first I was not sure about the oral b water jet, I had a waterpik before. On the second use I am impressed, the jet is more focused on the oral b and does a really good job, it cleans in between your teeth leaving them and your mouth feeling clean. It is easier to handle and light to hold. The on/off button is easy to access, and the water hold button is easy to use while cleaning. Although it does make a noise it makes far less noise that the waterpik
5.0 out of 5 stars Cleans well and pleasant to use
A bit bulky. Otherwise it does the job
3.0 out of 5 stars Hose pipe for the gums
This gadget was recommended by my dental hygienist, whom I suspect is on sales commission. It would have been more useful if the four heads supplied were of different types, e.g. fine to broad, instead of the one type. So far I have learned not to use it while clothed, be prepared to get a mouthful of water very quickly, keep mouth closed while using and remember to switch off before removing from mouth. I fixed it to the wall next to the sink within reach of the shave socket, but I'm wondering if it would be better in the shower cubicle.I guess I will eventually get used to it, but for now it must endure my doubts while I carry on flossing the old way.
Bonne qualité
Très efficace, Nettoie parfaitement les espaces interdentaires. A conseiller , est de très bonne qualité et facile d'utilisation
Herausragend gut !
Ich habe mir für die bessere Pflege meiner Zähne nun endlich mal die hier rezensierte Munddusche geholt.Bisher hab ich mir das einfach nicht gekauft weil ich dachte ,dass das totaler blödsinn sei.Meine Meinung muss ich nun komplett ändern!Aber zunächst und von Anfang an.Ich habe das hier rezensierte Produkt über Warehouse Deal gekauft weil ich nicht dachte,dass mich das Produkt überzeugt und möglicherweise zurück geht .Um nicht etwas Neues zu bestellen ,was evtl. dann auch über Warehouse Deal wieder verkauft werden muss habe ich mich dann eben dafür entschieden.Ich habe dann diese Munddusche bestellt und diese wurde wie gewohnt super schnell geliefert.Beim auspacken sah ich dann ,dass die Aufsätze fehlten.Mir war klar ,dass ich keine gebrauchten Aufsätze bekomme.Ich dachte jedoch das neue mit reingelegt wurden.Ich habe den Bolo Kundendienst angerufen und die Sache geschildert.Der freundliche Mitarbeiter sagte,dass das auch so im Angebot gestanden hätte.Ich bin zwar des Lesens mächtig,jedoch hab ich mir die artikelbeschreibung aufgrund der vielen Produkte in diesem Bereich nicht durchgelesen,sonst wäre ich bis heute noch nicht fertig gewesen mit dem lesen der vielen Produktbeschreibungen.😁War also meine Schuld als schuld von Bolo .Dies sagte ich dann auch so ,dass ich das nicht sah.Der Mitarbeiter bot mir dann eine Gutschrift an um die Aufsätze dann separat zu erwerben,obwohl es meine Schuld war,da ich nicht gelesen habe .Das nahm ich dankend an.Bolo ist und bleibt für mich ein Unternehmen mit einem herausragenden Kundenservice!Das einfach mal so nebenbei erwähnt.Nun aber zum Produkt :Nachdem dann heute die Aufsätze kamen habe ich die Munddusche natürlich gleich testen müssen.Das Gerät ist relativ groß und passt evtl nicht auf jede Ablage Fläche.Zumindest passt es bei uns nicht.Wir müssen uns dafür noch eine Lösung überlegen.Die Munddusche wird über einen separaten Wassertank betrieben der recht groß ist und bei mir für 2 Anwendungen reichen sollte.Der Wassertank kann vom Gerät entfernt werden um ihn unter den Wasserhahn zu halten.Die Aufsätze werden,wie bei elektrischen Zahnbürsten,einfach aufgesteckt.Die Munddusche muss einmal am Gerät eingeschaltet werden und dann nochmal an dem Ding was man in der Hand hält .Das Gerät verfügt über 5 Stufen.Ich kannte sowas bisher noch nicht und gab gleich mal mit Stufe 3 losgelegt.🙈Ich war schon etwas erschrocken mit wieviel Druck da das Wasser raus schießt.🤣Aber genau das brachte mir dann den „wow“ Effekt!Es reinigt perfekt und herausragend die Zahnzwischenräume!Wer mit Zahnseide nicht klar kommt,so wie ich,kann in solch einem Gerät eine wirkliche Alternative finden.Nach der Reinigung, die dank des Drucks recht schnell geht, fühlt sich alles ganz toll sauber an!Die Lautstärke ist okay,leiser wäre schöner aber man hat die Munddusche ja nicht 24 Stunden lang an.Man hat bei dem Produkt die Möglichkeit 4 Aufsätze in dem Gerät zu verstauen .Die einzelnen Aufsätze können mit farbigen Ringen versehen werden,sodass für mehrere Familienmitglieder Aufsätze vorhanden sind und ein vertauschen quasi unmöglich ist.Bei Stufe drei sollte man nicht mehr aus versehen mit dem Wasserstrahl an die Zunge kommen.Die wird dann taub für kurze Zeit .🤣Am Zahnfleisch tut es jedoch nicht weh.Obwohl ich beim Zähne putzen oft Zahnfleischbluten habe ,hat bei der Benutzung mit dem Gerät nichts geblutet.Schade,dass ich erst jetzt das Produkt für mich entdeckt habe ,denn es ist wirklich toll!Herausragendes Produkt,welches ich gerne empfehlen möchte !Klare kaufempfehlung und fünf wohlverdiente Sterne!
Mi piace e lo consiglio, denti sani e puliti!
Cinque stelle per me sono sinonimo di un ottimo prodotto in rapporto soprattutto al prezzo di vendita, 41,99 in offerta lampo su Bolo, certamente non significa che sia il miglior idropulsore dentale al mondo, ma in rapporto al prezzo è sicuramente un ottimo acquisto.Da qualche anno ormai si stanno facendo via via sempre più strada dei nuovi strumenti, che somigliano molto a quelli dei dentisti professionisti. Gli idropulsori non sono soltanto efficaci sui denti, ma migliorano anche la salute delle gengive e sicuramente l’igiene orale. Questo strumento sfrutta l'azione di un getto d'acqua pulsante generato da una pompa e indirizzato lungo il solco gengivale e lo spazio interdentale. In questo modo l'idropulsore utilizza l'azione del getto d'acqua per pulire le zone più difficili fra dente e dente, dove lo spazzolino non riesce ad arrivare e dove più di frequente si forma la carie.Ho acquistato questo prodotto al fine di avere un igiene orale più efficace e completa, mi piace è semplice da usare e non costa molto. Ritengo sia un valido strumento di aiuto per la pulizia dei denti. Sto usando questo prodotto già da un po’ di tempo e devo dire di essere rimasto molto soddisfatto.La confezione è adeguatamente protetta all’interno di un cartone con della carta utile a salvaguardare il prodotto da urti accidentali che potrebbero verificarsi durante il trasporto. Nella confezione oltre all’idropulsore vi sono tre “punte” per variare la modalità di getto; il filo per la ricarica completo di alimentatore USB; manuale d’istruzioni multilingua compreso l’italiano.COME SI USA:L’idropulsore non sostituisce, come molti credono erroneamente, lo spazzolino elettrico e nemmeno il filo interdentale. Per ottenere una pulizia dei denti completa (questa è un’operazione che non verrà fatta ogni lavaggio dei denti), va seguita questa procedura:• Per prima cosa si lavano i denti in maniera classica, con lo spazzolino e un po’ di dentifricio.• In seguito si può, se si vuole, passare al filo interdentale. Molte persone non amano questo passaggio, chi non vuole farlo passa direttamente all’idropulsore.• L’idropulsore può essere caricato solo con acqua o anche con una miscela di acqua e collutorio, per una pulizia migliore e profumata.• Bastano pochi passaggi tra i denti, ma nulla di particolarmente difficile o fastidioso. Occorre prendere confidenza con lo strumento le prime volte ed il gioco è fatto!Grazie al potente getto d’acqua elimina i residui di cibo dagli spazi interdentali, assicurando la massima igiene e pulizia.CONSIGLI UTILI:Raccomando di non utilizzare acqua troppo fredda o troppo calda, l’ideale è a temperatura ambiente. Alla fine di questa procedura effettuo sempre uno sciacquo con il collutorio in modo da avere un igiene orale perfetta. E’ bene sottolineare che questo non è uno strumento che esclude l’utilizzo dello spazzolino o del filo interdentale!IL MIO GIUDIZIO:Questo prodotto apporta numerosissimi vantaggi alla completa e corretta pulizia orale, acquistare un idropulsore per la cura della salute è una buona norma per non recarsi spesso da un professionista come il dentista. In sostanza se state cercando un prodotto di qualità ad un prezzo abbordabile allora siete nel posto giusto, io mio sto trovando bene, fateci un serio pensiero. Ovviamente per quanto riguarda la durata e l’affidabilità non posso esprimermi a priori, se le cose in futuro dovessero cambiare mi riservo di modificare in qualsiasi momento la recensione ed aggiornarvi, sia in termini positivi che negativi. La spedizione è arrivata in 24 ore, Bolo 10 e lode come al solito, continua a dimostrare serietà e competenza nel commercio online. Spero che il mio giudizio sia stato esaustivo ed interessante prima dell’acquisto, oltre che assolutamente libero ed imparziale, se avete domande da pormi non esitate a chiedere.
Me regalaron uno hace dos o tres años, después de haberme.puesto un par de implantes y que el dentista me recomendara un irrigador, según él, para la gente con implantes es un invento muy bueno. Yo la verdad, le miré excepto o, pensando que ya quería venderme.cosas caras y que no tenían mucho más sentido, de hecho primero compré unos cepillos interdentales.... En fin, me lo regalaron y al final cuando me.mude tuve que comprar otro ya que mis padres no podían vivir sin él, y yo tampoco. Marcas hay mil, yo compré este simplemente porque el primero funcionaba genial. Es muy sencillo, fácil de poner en cualquier sitio, viene con 4 boquillas de distintos colores para poder usarlo toda la familia y un regulador con la.potencia ( a mí a partir del 3 me hace daño ). Cómo invento en si mismo es genial ial, por bien que te laves los dientes con cepillo, después ( yo una vez al día ) usas este cacharro y no hay color, sigue saliendo cosillas o restos que sin notar se quedaban entre los dientes, además la.lkmpieza es mucho más profunda. En el depósito se puede añadir un poquito de flúor ( yo prefiero no usarlo así, pero para gustos... )En definitiva, la sensación de limpieza y frescor llevado a otro nivel.
Perfetto, quello che cercavo
Denti sani e puliti, come dopo una igiene dal dentista!!!
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