About this item:
4.6 out of 5
92.31% of customers are satisfied
5.0 out of 5 stars Looks great
Only use once but very non stick
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent quality, premium product
Definitely a very good build quality and the hex system allows you to use all types of utensils. It always cleans very well and with ease. 10 out of 10 for me.
1.0 out of 5 stars stay away from this company
we use the pan about 8/10 time, looking very well after it but quicky the handle started to move (not fixed properly to the pan) lose 2/3 mm from the base like a very old, poor quality pan would do! £ 179.99 paid for best quality ;(filled the "lifetime" warranty a week ago, then logged a claim explaining the problem assuming a faulty product and asked for refund or exchange. They acknowledged my claim but nobody contacted me! tried to call and impossible with the number provided (1-(877)-838-3868) are they based in US or other country????? feeling let dowm for very expensive product. Also not fully none stick: you will not be able to fry an egg without oil on the pan...
5.0 out of 5 stars Wonderful. Buy it.
Regular average Joe here. Home cooking enthusiast. I was a bit reticent on this owing to the price which is a hair on the extortionate side, but having owned it for a while I can honestly say you do get what you pay for. I absolutely love it. It feels quality in my hands and cooks a dream. To my limited cooking knowledge it's like a non stick cast iron. And it's not teflon which was important to me with the cancer causing rumours/allegations. I couldn't be happier with my purchase. Buy it. You deserve it.
5.0 out of 5 stars I thought it was hype!
This genuinely my fav pan ever! Been through all sorts of high end brands and no matter the claims they don’t last unless you treat them like glass. I have a very high spec induction hob and generally try and use good cast iron but for non stick stuff they aren’t great on induction. This however is brilliant! Temperature control, non stick, non scratch, no nasty coating, oven proof and if you want you can put in dish washer which I have done only once to see if it was ok and was perfect… so easy to wash up I generally do that but each to their own. Love it
4.0 out of 5 stars Lovely pan, but not necessarily the pan they promise you...
I was seeing this pan on all my favourite YouTube cooking channels, and when it was referenced everyone, from chefs downwards, were saying what a great pan it was. Those whose vids were about the pan praised its position as the best of both worlds: the heat of steel and the non-stick of a teflon.It's actually in between.It doesn't get as hot on an induction hob as a steel pan. I know induction operates at a lower temperature than something like gas, but the pan doesn't get as hot and doesn't hold the heat as well as steel. Knowing this you can work around it but that's not how it was sold to me. I haven't yet managed a sear on both sides of a steak by doing one side and flipping. I've had to wait after the first side for the pan to get back up to temperature - not long, but you know how important every second is when doing a steak.As for non-stick, well it sort-of is, but it's not perfect. I love making a smooth omelette, where when you fold it front and back, it's smooth on the outside. This pan didn't. Bits - not loads, but bits of the omelette caught when I was folding. Not something I get from a non-stick coated pan. I haven't even been able to bring myself to try crisping the skin on a salmon fillet. I fear it will be like tearing a plaster off.It is however a very high quality pan. Really well built, and very (surprisingly) easy to clean. It's been in a hot oven with no problems. I just wish it didn't claim to be all things to all cooks.I got this, the 30cm pan, on sale so it was about £130. Was it worth it? Sort-of. I'm finding myself using other pans instead for some tasks but it's a pretty good workhorse, and with its depth it can do one-pot meals for 2 in a pan.I've given it 4 stars but it's really 3.75 because of its marketing bull.
5.0 out of 5 stars Initial observations
This is an excellent frying pan. I would not describe it as non stick but would say that it cleans very easily without much effort. If left soaking it is even easier. I have tried lots of different frying pans and this is the best so far. One clear advantage is the lack of the usual non stick applied surface as found on most pans. So metal implements can safely be used. Recommend this cookware.
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent
Really worth the extra money and will be getting another smaller one as well
Mai avuto una padella migliore!
La raccomando tanto, è perfettamente antiaderente ma in modo salubre e non tossico e si lava con grande facilità. Cuoce benissimo e non asciuga i liquidi eventuali.
Beste Ware!
Wir eine sehr gute Qualität. Wir haben schon die 25cm Pfanne!
La mejor sartén 🍳 de todas
Es excepcional en todas sus facetas, adherencia, limpieza, durabilidad, calentamiento, sabor de los alimentos. 10 de 10.
Kullandığım En İyi Tava
Çok fazla reklamı yapıldığı için acaba şu an marketing kurbanı mı oluyorum diye soru işaretleriyle satın almıştım, fakat kesinlikle şimdiye kadar kullandığım en iyi ve en sağlam tava oldu. Doğru miktarda yağ ile doğru sıcaklıkta kullanıldığı takdirde yapışmazlığı son derece başarılı. Sıcaklığı tavanın yüzeyine eşit bir biçimde dağıtma konusunda da yine şimdiye kadar kullandığım diğer tüm tavalardan daha iyi performans gösterdi. Yüksek sıcaklıklara çıkıp bu sıcaklığı muhafaza edebildiği için et gibi ürünleri gayet güzelce mühürleyebiliyorsunuz. Öyle ki döküm tavamı artık tümden dolaba kaldırdım ihtiyaç duymuyorum. Üstelik temizliği de çok kolay. Ben ne olur ne olmaz diye kullanım kılavuzunda bulaşık makinesinde yıkanabilir denmesine rağmen hiç makineye atmadım, ama en inatçı lekelerde bile tavanın yüzeyini birkaç dakika sıcak suda bekletip lekeleri yumuşattığınızda elde temizlemesi çok kolay bir hal alıyor. %100 tavsiye ediyorum.
Elle fait vraiment la difference
J avais des doutes… apres tant de poeles que j ai deja essaye. Je les avais toujours que qqes mois avant d avoir les premieres griffes dedans. Pas la hexclad. Le revetement tient super bien et elle est stylish. Ne la chauffez pas trop fort. Une chaleur moyenne suffit et evite que les aliments collent
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