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5.0 out of 5 stars Industrial society and it’s future
Just like many of you reading this, I originally only read the book as a joke in response to the spike in media attention around Kaczynski, largely through memes, with the iconic opening paragraph headlining on social media front pages during mid-to-late 2020. After reading it, I was shocked, views I had subconsciously held for most of my life started to make sense and began to look at society through a deeper lens.The book itself gives a comprehensive outline of the ways in which the technological system controls us and how it functions. While it is neither the first nor only critique of technological society, it is certainly the most accessible, condensed (yet easy to read) and precise of the lot.His critique of leftism has been heavily criticised (by leftists no doubt) as irrelevant, offensive, and out of place, yet Its position at the start of the text perfectly achieves the author’s aim of deterring leftists for their property of leeching on and corrupting revolutionary movements. For a rough outline based off his limited available sources it is shockingly accurate, self evident in fact when looking at the response from leftists.His unique concepts of the ‘power process’ and ‘surrogate activities’ are intriguing and lend the book a slightly more optimistic tone while he critiques modernity, by indicating the model of a free and autonomous society Kaczynski proves that he is just as capable of creating fresh ideas as he is at criticising outdated and flawed ones.His elegant refutal of the claim “reformation of industrial society so that the ‘bad’ is separated from the ‘good’ is possible” shows definitively that while politicians and supporters of the system claim technology can be reformed, they fail to solve even the simplest problems such as drug abuse, alcoholism, unemployment, school shootings, etc.The strategy put forward by the author for a hypothetical revolutionary movement to end the global technological system is an optimistic outlook as well as, he denotes, a necessary one. A movement in his eyes must be optimistic. While he speaks a lot of the atrocities and horrors inflicted on man in the name of an infinite technological progression, you do not leave this book with sadness and fear, but hope, anger and optimism (perhaps some justified anger also)Kaczynski makes the claim that revolution must occur sooner rather than later or else the consequences of the collapse of technological society will be more disastrous, no matter how necessary. And while the strategy aspect is relatively short in this book (unavoidable since the book itself is only roughly 200 paragraphs) he elaborates beyond his main talking points in a later book, Anti Tech Revolution: Why and How, which is highly recommended if you enjoy this book.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great book
A surprisingly concise book outlining the cause of societal problems of our age and it proposes interesting (radical) solutions. Very interesting read and highly recommended to just about anyone.
5.0 out of 5 stars Industrial Society & Its Future
Though many have/will concentrate on the observations and thus predictions TK made on the impact technology will have on society and who could possibly argue against this when what we have today is likely beyond what TK imagined when he first considered his “manifesto.”But it’s his observations as to pattern of behaviour of political/social/ideological/pseudo religious that is really profound. Their manipulation, infiltration, influence and the subsequent advancement their own “manifestos” that is really where the real horror lies.This “Industrial Society and its Future” should be enforced as “compulsory” reading for anyone above the age of 12.Reading this book alongside HG Wells “Politics and the English Language” will be alarming to the uninitiated but will serve as a “soothing ointment” to the mind of those who suspect that there is clearly something sinister taking place in earth today. A driving force that is hell bent on taking mankind with him, to oblivion.
4.0 out of 5 stars Terrible formatting
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5.0 out of 5 stars Best book
It changed my life on you know what and it helped me get a understanding of this bad world , thx ted RIP 🪦
5.0 out of 5 stars Great read
I love this product! Finally, I started to like my curly hair.
5.0 out of 5 stars Forever changed
I absolutely love this book, Iv read it over and over again as it find it so fascinating. Absolutely worth the buy and I highly recommend it
3.0 out of 5 stars bruh 21
has a weird material for the cover
Interesting book
Very insightful
Book or Bible?
Love this book. Bought it for if their is ever a power outage I can read this
good book interesting read
Libro interessante ma...
Ho preso questo libro per curiosità personale sul personaggio che l'ha scritto, di lettura molto semplice è un piccolo manoscritto dove tratta alcuni pensieri dell'autore, anche se era un terrorista aveva una mente molto particolare e ci sono anche argomenti interessanti da prendere ovviamente con le "pinze" per comprendere i suoi concetti. Da leggere solo se molto aperti al tipo di argomenti di cui parla.
Man muss das Buch sehr aufmerksam lesen. Ich lese im Internet viele Rezensionen, auch etwa wie man bei Wikipedia findet, die nicht stimmen. Wenn man das Buch mit einer dichotomischen Einstellung/Denkweise, wird man das ganze nicht verstehen. Vor allem, wenn man nur darauf aufmerksam wird, dass der Author die Linken/Demokraten kritisiert, was nicht bedeutet, dass er die andere Seite verteidigt. Er zeigt den Widerspruch und die Heuchlei der Leute, die sich politisch LINKS orientieren. Dabei sind die Anderen nicht in Kritik geraten.Immer häufiger kommt man zu der Festellung, dass es zum kompleten Abbruch der Gesellschaft (wie wir sie heute kennen) und des Systems kommen sollte, damit man im Frieden mit der Natur leben kann.Er sprich von Reform und Revolution, man muss sich erstmal trauen, eine Revolution zu starten, die immer unvorhersehbare Ergebnisse mit sich bringt.Das Buch wird deutlich geschrieben und es wird so geschrieben, dass man eigentlich nichts misverstehen kann, da die Ideen alle vernetzt sind.Es wird hier und da einer sagen, nein, es ist Übertreibung. Es ist nicht. Als der Fernseher kam, haben viele Autoren die Welt vorhergesehen und es ist alles praktisch genauso, wie se gesagt haben.Man könnte weiter theorisieren und philosophieren, und Leviathan, Farm der Tiere, 1984, Brave new world, usw. + Algorithmen/KI + Big Techs + Social Media + Politik + Weltbevölkerung zusammen in einem Text ziehen, aber es ist zu lang und lohnt es sich nicht. Alles geht sowieso in die Richtung, wo die Zukunft sehr düster aussieht.Absolut alles, was der Mensch tut zerstört den Planeten. Fleisch essen, Bio-Produkte essen (100% biologische Produkte brauchen 3x mehr Landschaft, also weniger Wälder als Folge), Papier (Bäume), Holz (Bäume), Kork (Bäume), Hanf und Bambu (ebenso pflanzlich, auch weniger Fläche für Urwälder), Plastik (selbstverständlich), Nur Salat und Obst essen (wieder weniger Wälder um, das alles anzubauen - und wir dürfen nicht vergessen, dass alles WASSER braucht und Wasser sehr knapp wird. Es muss alles transportiert (Import/Export) werden...Leider sind diejeniger die wirklich was ändern könnten, diejenigen, die sich für die Zukunft überhaupt nicht interessiert. Das sind die Superreichen.Diejenigen, die denken, sie tun etwas, weil sie mit Fahrrad zur Arbeit fährt (ich gehöre dazu, weil ich in Frieden mit meinem Gewissen leben will), zum Beispiel, die machen keinen Unterschied.
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