Are you looking to manage your daily mental health? Then we got you covered, Our Brand-new Daily Mood Tracker Journal is perfect for those looking to take care of their wellness every day. This is a perfect tracker because when you put your problems down on paper it helps you look and analyze the root cause of the issue, then you can look for a better solution.
This Journal is perfect to track long-term mental health triggers & thus helps to notice specific trends. This tracker can be used to record daily moods & emotions plus journaling everyday moods can help you become calmer & relaxed as well.
An easy journal to track hours slept, daily mood, stress & energy levels, & separate space to things you were grateful for to look at the positives & track triggers for negative emotions, if any, for self-reflection. This tracker is easy to fill as it comes with specific prompts so that you never have to stress about journaling.
It has 106 Daily Mood Trackers that can keep your mental health in check for more than 3 months. It also has a quick mood checker at the beginning to see & reflect on the overall mood for the day on monthly basis to find a better & effective solution.
- 7” X 10” in Compact Size.
- Beautiful Premium Glossy Cover.
- 108 Pages, with 106 Trackers for more than 3 months.
- Perfect Gift for those looking to take care of Daily Wellness.