"FIRST AID" FOR PANIC: SIXTEEN "ON THE SPOT" STRATEGIES TO GET THROUGH A PANIC ATTACK 1. Sit down and take several slow, deep breaths. Take at least four seconds to inhale, through your nose, and at least four more to exhale, through pursed lips as though you're whistling. Continue this for several minutes, trying, as you do so, to consciously relax your muscles.
2. Picture a relaxing scene using all your senses. Now put yourself into the scene.
3. Recall a time when you handled a similar situation well, or felt successful and in charge. Recapture the good feelings you experienced then.
4. Snap your fingers to "break the spell" and interrupt catastrophic thoughts of the disasters you imagine happening. Refocus on the concrete objects around you, making a game of noticing the details of every object you see.
5. Allow your anxious thoughts to "float on through," in the recognition that panic can't hurt you, isn't dangerous and doesn't mean you're crazy -- no matter how it feels!
6. Picture a person you trust, someone who believes in you and cares about your well-being. Now imagine the person is with you, offering you encouragement.
7. Remember panic is only your body's natural alarm system kicking in when it needn't. Say to yourself, "This is just a simple mistake. There is no danger here."
8. Take a "time out" and slow down. Slow your rate of breathing, slow your racing thoughts, slow your entire body, head to toe. Then slowly resume your previous activities.
9. Ask yourself what you were feeling just before the first signs of panic. Now let yourself really "feel" those feelings. The feelings might be painful, but recognizing them is likely to send your panic packing.
10. Take a giant yawn and stretch your body, head to toe. Now chew a stick of gum, slowly and deliberately.
11. Occupy your mind with an absorbing task: start a complicated work project; listen to an interesting radio program; phone a friend. Focus your mind on what's happening in the environment rather than on your body; and on the present, rather than the future.
12. Get mad. Vow not to let panic win out over you. You deserve better.
13. If there are places available, take a stroll. If there are people available, talk to one of them. Better yet, do both.
14. Count backward from 20. With every number, picture a different image of someone you love, something that pleases you, something that calms you. These might be images you recall from the past or those you only imagine.
15. Take a moment to say a word of prayer or meditation, and let yourself feel calmed by your faith.
16. Remind yourself that a panic attack always ends. Always.