Tim Burton's classic film The Nightmare Before Christmas, continues to captivate audiences of all ages with its memorable music, eccentric animation, and universal message of self-discovery. Children can immerse themselves in this enchanting world with their favorite characters: Jack Skellington, Oogie Boogie, Sally, Mayor, Dr. Finkelstein, Barrel, Shock, Santa, Lock and Zero.
© Disney
🎯MY BUSY BOOKS: Each My Busy Book includes full-page illustrations, an engaging story, 10 plastic figurines, and a durable playmat, all designed to spark your child's imagination and bring their favorite characters to life.
🎯FAMILY FUN & SHARED ENJOYMENT: this interactive set offers a wonderful way for children to read and play together with friends and family, turning learning into a joyful experience.
🎯EDUCATIONAL & INTERACTIVE: Our activity books are crafted to entertain and educate, helping children aged three and above develop essential skills through interactive play and storytelling.
🎯EASY TO CARRY: The easy-to-carry design ensures all figurines and playmat can be neatly tucked back into the book for effortless storage and organization. It's ideal for keeping children entertained during travel —whether by plane, or car— while away from home.
🎯PERFECT GIFT: My Busy Books make a fantastic gift for occasions like Christmas, New Year, Easter, Birthdays, Holidays, and Back to School. Each set features a sturdy, colorful board book with a lively story that children will love.