We created that "Pirates of the Caribbean" series.
Jerry Brachimer's blockbuster Blu-ray 12 titles are now available at a new price!
King Arthur Director's Cut Edition
A time called Britain and was under the rule of the Roman Empire. - Commander Arthur (Crive Owen) fought against the Rebel forces by leading the Knight, including Lancelot (Joan Griffiz). One day Arthur rescues a British woman named Gwynevia (Keira Knightray), who was prisoned by innocent crime. At that time, Briten was faten by destruction of the brutal Saxon army. "Loving Grandland needs a coach" Gwynevia wakes up something sleeping in Arthur. The epic battle of Britain and Arthur destined to start right now.
Cast & Staff:
Arthur: Crib Owen / Hiroki Tochi
Gwinevia: Keira Nightray / Archery Shori
Lancellot: Joan Griffiz / Mediterranean
Marlin: Stephen Delrain / Nachi Nozawa
Celdic: Stellan Skullsgade / Katsube Takenen
Bose: Ray Winston / Shiro Saito.
Cynric: Till Schweiger / Kana Entirement
DIRECTED BY: Ant-One Hooqua
Writer: David Franconi
By: Jerry Brachimer
Production General Conductor: Mike Stenson, Chad Oman, Ned Dowd
Photography: Slavomile ijack
Music: Hans Jimar
Bonus content:
Movie Showcase
Making of King Arthur
Cast & Staff Banquet
Another Ending (Explanation: Directed by Ant-One Fukwa)
Photo Gallery by Producer
4.7 out of 5
94.00% of customers are satisfied
5.0 out of 5 stars Great action and battle
Great movie about the end of Roman occupation of England
5.0 out of 5 stars An indispensable addition to the cinematic release
SPOILERS BELOW!I've commented on this movie before: the cinematic PG-13 version. This is what I wrote in Auagust 2004:Saw it twice. Liked it even better the second time around. I know a lot of folks had their problems with it, especially those who wanted either a rehash of exisiting 'Arthur' tales, or alternatively expected a 'historically accurate' account.Get a life, people. It's a MOVIE. A STORY. And it's well-told, with the mystical mumbo-jumbo removed and the French soap opera elements rinsed away, so that just the names are recognizable. Despite that-and that's one of the things I really liked about it-the movie managed to retain the flair of (demythologized) 'legend'. It was an uabashed story about a hero, and there's nothing wrong with that.Another nice tweak: Arthur making the transition from trying to serve a 'higher purpose' to humanization, when he realizes that the 'higher purpose' is probably well and truly corrupted, and that if any purpose in life is to be found it lies in the service of one's people. A good and noble soldier's creed. The stuff indeed, of heroic legend, well told, and with a kick-ass cast.---- Now, finally, I got the DVD, so here goes... ----There's been a lot of complaining about the de-mythologizing of the legend. Mostly that means the removal of the French soap-opera component and the pretense that anybody really believes in magical swords, witches and spirits living in lakes. Is that a loss? I suppose it depends on who's talking. A review in the Guardian (complete with the inevitable political anti-American end-commentary) moans that 'Britain's national myth has suffered its own catastrophe' and that KA is 'one of the worst historical, or history-esque, films ever made'. Complaints also abound about its historical inaccuracies, and Keira Knightley's battle dress continues to draw major vitriol. Well, if you look at the latest research by people like John Matthews and Linda Malcor you may find that the inaccuracies may not be and that Keira, like her male comrades, should have been fighting in the buff, their bodies painted head-to-toe. That would have been a sight, would it not?Of course, there's an argument for 'preserving' legends, and I think KA did that well. It just twisted it into a different direction. The DVD also contains an alternate, darker ending, without the PG-13 feel-good wedding. This had been Fuqua's choice, but apparently the money-men walked over him and Bruckheimer and what was intended to be an R-rated movie became a PG-13 nice-kiddy flick in the editing room: sanitized and dumbed down.Fuqua's commentary is very revealing and shows up not only his disenchantment with studio politics, but also reveals his personal philosophy, which I've always liked, ever since listening to him comment on Tears of the Sun. Above all, he makes the interesting observation (one I happen to completely agree with) that, in particular, the adultery soap-opera element in the traditional versions of the legend actually makes no sense. It may be perfectly in line with what we expect from daily TV soap fare and Reality TV, but between comrades-in-arms there is a kind of ethics that folks living within the comfortable and boring confines of refined civilization may well find incomprehensible.To those who wish to advance the virtues of the 'noble' and 'clean' traditional versions: it occurs to me that the very _ignoble_ soap-operatic characters, whose 'courtly' nobility appears to be more one of declaration and general pomposity, can only cower in shame before the much less sophisticated but honest nobility of the Arthur and knights depicted in this movie. Surely, if we look for heros of the Campbellian kind, this is where we find them, not in the classical bedroom dramas centering around the betrayal of Arthur by Guinevere and Lancelo, or people's obsession with that ultimate of social taboos, incest.Watching KA again after listening to Fuqua's commentary gives the movie additional depth and reveals dimensions one might easily have missed before. All in all a worthy and important addition to the cinema release version. So many things I initially missed suddenly became clear, such the obvious parallels to such classics as 'Seven Samurai' and 'Magnificent Seven', and the even closer kinship between this movie and 'Tears of the Sun', another classic Campbellian hero tale.Another nice touch (I keep discovering things about this movie!) was pointed out to me by a lady who truly loves horses. When the knights, together with the Roman garrison and a bunch of refugees, leave Hadrian's Wall and the Saxon drums of war start rolling, the horses bolt, prompting the knights to reflect on their decisions to leave. I thought it was a good scene, but it becomes even better when we remember that, as we're told early on in the movie, slain warriors return as horses. So it wasn't just that the knights had a sudden and not easily understood change of heart: it was their horses, the souls of the dead warriors, that reminded them who they were, and who refused to continue avoiding their destiny-albeit a destiny which, as Arthur reminded his knights later, they chose as free men, rather than indentured soldiers for the Romans.Till NoeverAuthor: KEAEN, SELADIENNA, CONTINUITY SLIPowlglass.com
5.0 out of 5 stars A Favorite
One of my favorite movies. 😍
4.0 out of 5 stars a realistic take on the legend
King Arthur is definitely an action film. An action film with a bit of romance, a smattering of comedy, and a whole lot of drama, yes, but an action film nonetheless. I wasn't quite expecting that, but came out liking it: from the moment the movie starts until the credit rolls, there is barely a break in the battle scenes or the intense moments where characters are running or fighting for their lives and their respective countries. Reminiscent of Braveheart in many ways, this film is worth the watch if only to consider the story of King Arthur from a new angle: with a realistic slant rather than as a mystical fairy tale legend.In the early Dark Ages, a band of Sarmatian knights led by half British, half Roman Lucius Artorius Castus or Arthur (Clive Owen) meet with Roman Bishop Germanius to receive their release papers after 15 years of forced service in the Roman army. They are (understandably) upset to discover that they must forego their freedom awhile longer: Rome has decided to pull out of defeating/defending the island, leaving the country and its natives vulnerable to an invasion by the Saxons. Arthur and his knights are sent on one last most dangerous of all suicide mission: to rescue a Roman family from the bloodthirsty Saxons by crossing through the perilous Woads territory (enemy natives led by mystical woodsman Merlin) and bringing them back to safety. Only when they succeed in this trial will Arthur and his knights be given their papers and allowed to return home as free men.The honorable Arthur must do a little convincing to get his knights to agree to this last most perilous mission: after all, this band of real men is weary of fighting and ready to return home. Soon his loyal yet rough-and-tumble knights agree, and Arthur and his band (including Lancelot played by Ioan Gruffud and Galahad played by Hugh Dancy) begin their perilous journey across Britain. Along the way they encounter Merlin and his crew, who for some unknown reason let them live and pass through the haunted forest alive. After rescuing the Roman family (along with some natives in dire need), Arthur and his knights are forced to turn and fight the Saxons (who outnumber them by the handful!).They are helped by a native warrior woman Guinevere (Kiera Knightley), who ends up forcing a confrontation between Merlin and Arthur. Arthur is finally faced with the choice to return to Rome or stay and fight for Britain alongside Merlin and the lovely Guinevere.The overall tone and feel of this film is dark, with lots of smoke and fog used in the battle scenes: although this film centers around battles and fight scenes, there is an underlying storyline that makes it entrancing and interesting.The knights are not larger-than-life heroes, chivalrous and pure legend not reality: they are real men. You cant help but cheer for Arthur and his knights as they fight against the odds to defeat the enemies of Britain and gain their own release: but when the time comes for this band of men to go home, will they go or will they stay?For me, the new setting for the King Arthur story and the realism made for a great story. Clive Owen did a phenomenal job as King Arthur and has gained respect in my eyes: Kiera Knightley was great, as always, as the Britain-warrior-woman Guinevere (although a completely different aspect of this legendary character, it never was so over the top as to annoy me), and Ioan Gruffud as Lancelot and Hugh Dancy as Galahad were wonderful as well: in fact, I think all the actors did a good job. If you like the story of King Arthur, you will like this: from the beginning to the end, you are taken on a real-life adventure with King Arthur and the knights of the round table.
5.0 out of 5 stars The Director’s Cut Explains it!
The original release of this movie left some unexplained gaps. The Director’s Cut explains it all. Clive Owen often acts in movies that are different takes of legends such as 47 Rōnin or King Arther. You’ll enjoy this movie.
service film parfait
King Arthur movie
Great condition
Great value for money
Great film and actor lm very happy with the seller and product
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Und KING ARTHUR ist gut. Nein- mehr als gut.Historikern zufolge geht die Sage aus dem 15. Jahrhundert von König Artusund seinen Rittern auf einen Helden zurück, der tausend Jahre zuvor im Frühmittelalter lebte.Kürzlich entdeckte archäologische Funde haben seine Identität erhellt.Mit seiner Riesen- Starbesetzung ist KING ARTHUR für mich fast eine Offenbarung.Kurios, weil Ritterfilme so gar nicht meins sind. Höchstens mal "Der Ritter der Kokosnuss",Dragonheart und Hector- Ritter ohne Furcht und Tadel." Und da hört`s auch schon auf. Höhö.Und natürlich befinde ich KING ARTHUR nicht ausschließlich klasse, weil Mads Mikkelsenmitmischt (der hier brillant den Tristan verkörpert). Aber unbedingt und hauptsächlich! :-))Nun gut- UND LANCELOT SPRACH: " Keine Angst, ich komme zurück. "Fünfzehn Jahre später:Gemeinsam mit der zukünftigen Königin Guinevere, dem Mentor Merlin beschließt der tapfereKrieger Lancelot, der Herrschaft der Gewalt ein Ende zu setzen.-KING ARTHUR ist Spannung, Dramatik und Action pur- bis zum bitteren Ende. Und von Anfang an.Der gesamte Cast, die Musik zum Film von Hans Zimmer und der Sängerin Moya Brannon von Clannadsorgen für fette Gänsehaut.Clive Owen als KING ARTHUR - präsent und anmutig. Absolut authentisch.Til Schweiger..hüstel..passt glänzend in die Rolle des missachteten Häuptlingssohnes. Hähä.;)Im Ernst- hätte nicht gedacht, dass Herr Schweiger diesen seinen Part hier so gut bewältigen würde/könnte.Die Schlachten sind wirklich und wahrhaftig toll in Szene gesetzt. Hütchen ab. Dafür, dass ich kein Fanvon so etwas bin.Und klar ist das Ganze wohl nie so passiert, wie es in dieser Reunion geschildert und dargestellt wird.Ist MIR aber relativ egal. Zumal mich diese Verfilmung echt sesselfegend faszinierte. Und interessierte.Die Artussage wird hier halt neu aufgerollt. Na und? Und manche Schauspieler sind mir zu auffällig undlieblos geschminkt- außer Mads, der sieht ja immer fabelhaft aus! Dem steht alles!********************************************************************************************************************************Geschichte:Das römische Reich ist zerfallen- in England herrscht Anarchie.Der Kampf um die Territorien dauert schon ewig und drei Tage.Die Sachsen fallen barbarisch ins Land ein, Krieg bricht aus.Ein Mann jedoch, der alle wieder zu vereinen können scheint,wird und will England mit seinen mutigen Rittern erretten.........KÖNIG ARTUS!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mein Fazit:KING ARTHUR 2OO4 ist für mich zur vollsten Zufriedenheit gelungen.So, wie die Sage hier erzählt wird, finde ich sie durchaus konsistent.Wenn man nicht unbedingt auf die bekannten Auslegungen besteht-und bereit ist, die Story als Fantasy in einer historischen, supergeilenKulisse abzukaufen, weiß sie schon sehr zu fesseln.Zwar befinde ich die Bildquali nicht unbedingt so angenehm, wie ich sie mirerhoffte( besonders die Schlacht auf dem zugefrorenen See) , aber mehr gibtes einfach nicht zu meckern. Fünf Sterne bleibt! Wegen Mads und Owen!" Merk dir mein Gesicht, Sachse. Denn wenn wir uns in der Schlacht wiederbegegnen, wird es das Letzte sein, was du in deinem Leben siehst. "Und der Falke erhebt sich mit kräftigem Flügelschlag vom Arm Tristans..........." Hey...du bist frei..." -" Und die Geschichte soll vermerken, dass hier freie Männer gehandelt haben-aus freiem Entschluss. "Drei Augenblicke, Aussagen- bevor der bildgewaltige Showdown jegliches Verlangenund den Griff zur Chipstüte lähmen. Bombastisch!!_______________________Lauflänge exakt: Zwei Stunden...acht Minuten...und vier Sekunden! Wow!Extras:- Making of: Hinter den Kulissen eines Monumentalfilmes= 17.05 Minuten! Auch Wow!!- Alternatives Ende: Badon Hill= 4.08 Minuten!- Fotogalerie des Produzenten!IHRE NAMEN WERDEN NICHT VERGESSEN
Makes for better watching on Blu ray.
This movie is a demystified take on the tale of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Of course when its Hollywood, do not expect it to be a lesson in History. Sit back and enjoy the movie and if you are a Keira Knightley fan, you will definitely be thrilled by her performance, although I have seen better acting!Blu ray is a medium that exposed the defects in production due to its resolution. I observed not many of such defects in fact I am tempted to say that what I did observe (I have a SONY 55 inch Bravia LED) could be due to poor post-production.Simply put the movie is worth watching. Would you like to watch it repeatedly? Forget it there are better movie there.
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