Estes Generic E2X Rocket Bulk Pack (Pack of 12) , White


About this item:

  • 12 rocket kit packets with materials and instructions required to assemble the rocket
  • Plastic nose cone, body tube, one-piece plastic tail fin unit, and self-stick decals for level E2X (Easy to Assemble) assembly skill
  • Projected Max Altitude:1325 ft. (404 m)
  • Recommended for ages 10 and older with adult supervision up to age 12
  • Requires launch system, model rocket engines, starters, recovery wadding, and glue (all sold separately)
  • The Estes Generic E2X rocket bulk pack contains 12 rocket kit packets with materials and instructions required to assemble the rocket. It is recommended for children 10 years and older with adult supervision up to age 12. The plastic nose cone, body tube, one-piece plastic tail fin unit, and self-stick decals allow assembly of the rocket without painting. Additional equipment and supplies are required to launch the rocket, including launch system, model rocket engines, starters, recovery wadding, and glue (all sold separately). This rocket bulk pack has 12 individual packets, which allows each child to experience assembling and launching (with required components) the rocket and is suitable for youth group activities such as with clubs and schools.

    SpecificationsSkill levelEasy to Assemble (E2X), simple gluing, no paintingAge recommendation10 years and up, adult supervision under 12Recommended engines1/2A6-2, A8-3 (First Flight), A8-5, B4-4, B6-4, B6-6, C6-5, C6-7Projected maximum altitude1,100' (335m)Rocket weight1.27 oz. (36 g)Dimensions*15 x 0.98" (H x W)Required components (not included)Launch Controller, such as Estes 002220 Electron Beam
    Launch Pad, such as Estes 002215 Porta-Pad II
    Rocket Engine/Starter/Recovery Wadding, such as Estes 001781 A8-3 Engine Bulk Pack

    *H is height, the vertical distance from the lowest to highest point; W is width, the horizontal distance from left to right.

    A model rocket kit includes reusable parts, and requires launching equipment and single-use launching supplies. These kits are recommended for children 10 years and older, with adult supervision advised to age 12. Rocket kit assembly encompasses a range of skill levels—from Easy-to-Assemble (E2X), requiring only simple gluing and less than an hour of time—to Level 5, requiring multi-step assembly with measuring, cutting, gluing, and painting tasks. Reusable rocket kit components include a cone, a body tube, and a recovery parachute. A rocket engine, a starter, and recovery wadding are used once. Rocket engines come in a variety of sizes, time delays, and burn durations. A "first-flight" engine recommendation is generally made for each rocket kit. A launch pad has a stable base and a vertical rod that provide vertical stability during initial liftoff. A launch controller has a keyed ignition switch to prevent accidental ignition, and a cable provides a safe distance from the rocket during launch. Bulk packs of model rocket kits are available for clubs and schools, and allow groups of children to experience building and launching a rocket.

    Estes manufactures model rocket kits, launching equipment, and rocket engines. The company, founded in 1958, is headquartered in Penrose, CO.

    חבילת הטילים הכללית E2X של Estes מכילה 12 חבילות ערכת טילים עם חומרים והוראות הנדרשות להרכבת הטיל. מומלץ לילדים בגילאי 10 ומעלה עם השגחת מבוגר עד גיל 12. חרוט האף מפלסטיק, צינור גוף, יחידת סנפיר זנב פלסטיק מקשה אחת, ומדבקות נדבקות מעצמן מאפשרות הרכבה של הטיל ללא ציור. נדרשים ציוד נוסף וציוד כדי לשגר את הטילים, כולל מערכת שיגור, מנועי טילים, מתחילים, ריפוד התאוששות ודבק (כל נמכר בנפרד). לחבילת הטילים בתפזורת זו יש 12 חבילות בודדות, אשר מאפשרות לכל ילד לחוות הרכבה ושיגור (עם רכיבים נדרשים) הטיל ומתאים לפעילויות קבוצתיות נוער כגון מועדונים ובתי ספר.

    מפרט רמת מיומנות קל להרכבה (E2X), הדבקה פשוטה, ללא צביעה המלצה לגיל 10 שנים ומעלה, השגחת מבוגר תחת 12 מנועים מומלצים 1/2A6-2, A8-3 (טיסה ראשונה), A8-5, B4-4, B6-4, B6-6, C6-5, C6-7 מוקרן גובה מקסימלי 1,1000000 ' (3355 מ') משקל טילים 36 גרם (36 גרם) מידות * 38.1 x 2.5 ס"מ (גובה x רוחב) רכיבים נדרשים (לא כלול) בקר שיגור, כגון קרן אלקטרונים Estes 00220
    כרית שיגור, כגון Estes 002215 Porta-Pad II
    מנוע טילים/מתנע/ריפוד התאוששות, כגון Estes 001781 A8-3 מנוע אריזה בתפזורת

    *H הוא גובה, המרחק האנכי מהנקודה הנמוכה ביותר לנקודה הגבוהה ביותר; W הוא רוחב, המרחק האופקי משמאל לימין.

    ערכת רקטות דגם כוללת חלקים לשימוש חוזר, ודורשת ציוד שיגור ושימוש חד פעמי. ערכות אלה מומלצות לילדים בגילאי 10 ומעלה, עם השגחת מבוגר מומלצת לגילאי 12. הרכבת ערכת הטילים כוללת מגוון רחב של רמות מיומנות — החל מהרכבה קלה (E2X), הדורשת הדבקה פשוטה בלבד ופחות משעה של זמן – לרמה 5, הדורשת הרכבה מרובה שלבים עם מדידה, חיתוך, הדבקה ומשימות ציור. רכיבי ערכת הטילים לשימוש חוזר כוללים חרוט, צינור גוף ומצנח התאוששות. מנוע טילים, מתנע וצמר התאוששות משמשים פעם אחת. מנועי הטילים מגיעים במגוון גדלים, עיכובי זמן ומשך שריפה. המלצת מנוע "טיסה ראשונה" נעשית בדרך כלל עבור כל ערכת טילים. משטח שיגור בעל בסיס יציב ומוט אנכי המספק יציבות אנכית במהלך הרמה ראשונית. לבקר שיגור יש מתג הצתה מפתח למניעת הצתה מקרית, וכבל מספק מרחק בטוח מן הטיל במהלך השיגור. חבילות גדולות של ערכות טילים זמינות עבור מועדונים ובתי ספר, ומאפשרות לקבוצות ילדים לחוות בנייה ושיגור טיל.

    Estes מייצרת דגמים של ערכות טילים, ציוד שיגור ומנועי טילים. החברה, נוסדה בשנת 1958, ממוקמת ב-Penrose, CO.

    Die Estes Generic E2X Rakete Großpackung enthält 12 Raketen-Sets mit Materialien und Anweisungen (evtl. nicht in deutscher Sprache), die zum Zusammenbauen der Rakete erforderlich sind. Empfohlen für Kinder ab 10 Jahren unter Aufsicht von Erwachsenen bis zu 12 Jahren. Der Kunststoff-Nasenkegel, das Körperrohr, die einteilige Kunststoff-Flosse und die selbstklebenden Aufkleber ermöglichen die Montage der Rakete ohne Lackierung. Zusätzliche Ausrüstung und Zubehör sind erforderlich, um die Rakete zu starten, einschließlich Startsystem, Modell-Raketenmotoren, Starter, Erholungswatte und Klebstoff (alle separat erhältlich). Diese Rakete Großpackung hat 12 einzelne Pakete, die es jedem Kind ermöglichen, das Zusammenbauen und Starten (mit benötigten Komponenten) der Rakete zu erleben und ist für Jugendgruppenaktivitäten wie Vereine und Schulen geeignet.

    Spezifikationen: Schwierigkeitsgrad, einfach zu montieren (E2X), einfaches Kleben, keine Lackierung, Altersempfehlung ab 10 Jahren, Aufsicht von Erwachsenen unter 12 empfohlenen Motoren 1/2A6-2, A8-3 (First Flight), A8-5, B4-4, B6-4, B6-6, C6-5, C6-7, projizierte maximale Höhe 1.1000. (335 m). Raketengewicht: 36 g. Maße x 38,1 x 2,5 cm (H x B). Erforderliche Komponenten (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten). Launch Controller, wie Estes 002220 Electron Beam
    Launch Pad, wie Estes 002215 Porta-Pad II
    Raketenmotor/Starter/Recovery Wattierung, wie Estes 001781 A8-3 Motor Großpackung

    *H ist die Höhe, der vertikale Abstand vom niedrigsten zum höchsten Punkt; W ist Breite, der horizontale Abstand von links nach rechts.

    Ein Modell-Raketen-Kit enthält wiederverwendbare Teile, und erfordert Startausrüstung und Einweg-Starterzubehör. Diese Kits sind für Kinder ab 10 Jahren empfohlen, unter Aufsicht von Erwachsenen empfohlen bis 12 Jahren. Das Raketen-Kit umfasst eine Reihe von Schwierigkeitsgraden – von Easy to Assemble (E2X), die nur einfaches Kleben und weniger als eine Stunde Zeit – bis Level 5, die mehrstufige Montage mit Mess-, Schneid-, Kleber- und Malaufgaben erfordert. Die wiederverwendbaren Raketen-Kit-Komponenten umfassen einen Kegel, ein Körperrohr und einen Bergungsfallschirm. Ein Raketenmotor, ein Starter und eine Rettungswatte werden einmal verwendet. Raketenmotoren gibt es in verschiedenen Größen, Zeitverzögerungen und Brenndauer. Eine Motorempfehlung "First Flight" wird grundsätzlich für jedes Raketen-Set gemacht. Ein Startpad hat eine stabile Basis und eine vertikale Stange, die beim ersten Heben vertikale Stabilität bietet. Ein Start-Controller hat einen Schlüssel Zündschalter, um versehentliche Zündung zu verhindern, und ein Kabel bietet einen sicheren Abstand zur Rakete während des Starts. Großpackungen von Modell-Raketen-Sets sind für Vereine und Schulen erhältlich und ermöglichen Gruppen von Kindern das Bauen und Abschießen einer Rakete.

    Estes stellt Modell-Raketen-Sets, Startausrüstung und Raketenmotoren her. Das 1958 gegründete Unternehmen hat seinen Hauptsitz in Penrose, CO.

    O pacote de foguete genérico Estes E2X contém 12 pacotes de kit de foguetes com materiais e instruções necessárias para montar o foguete. É recomendado para crianças a partir de 10 anos com supervisão de adultos até 12 anos. O cone de nariz de plástico, o tubo do corpo, a barbatana de plástico de peça única e os decalques autocolantes permitem a montagem do foguete sem pintura. Equipamentos e suprimentos adicionais são necessários para lançar o foguete, incluindo sistema de lançamento, motores de foguete de modelo, iniciantes, suporte de recuperação e cola (todos vendidos separadamente). Este pacote de foguetes tem 12 pacotes individuais, o que permite que cada criança experimente montar e lançar (com componentes necessários) o foguete e é adequado para atividades em grupo de jovens como clubes e escolas.

    Especificações: Nível de habilidade fácil de montar (E2X), cola simples, sem pintura Recomendação de idade a partir de 10 anos, supervisão de adultos abaixo de 12 motores recomendados 1/2A6-2, A8-3 (primeiro voo), A8-5, B4-4, B6-4, B6-6, C6-5, C6-7 altitude máxima projetada. (335 m) Peso do foguete 36 g. Dimensões * 38 x 2,5 cm (A x L) Componentes necessários (não incluídos) Controlador de lançamento, como estes 00220 Electron Beam
    Launch Pad, como Estes 002215 Porta-Pad II
    Motor de foguete / motor de arranque / reboque de recuperação, como Estes 001781 A8-3 pacote de volume do motor

    * A é altura, a distância vertical do ponto mais baixo ao mais alto; W é largura, a distância horizontal da esquerda para a direita.

    Um kit de foguete inclui peças reutilizáveis e requer equipamento de lançamento e suprimentos de lançamento de uso único. Estes kits são recomendados para crianças a partir de 10 anos, com a supervisão de adultos é aconselhada a partir de 12 anos. O kit de montagem de foguete engloba uma variedade de níveis de habilidade — desde fácil montagem (E2X), exigindo apenas colagem simples e menos de uma hora de tempo — até o nível 5, exigindo montagem em várias etapas com tarefas, corte, colagem e pintura. Os componentes reutilizáveis do kit de foguete incluem um cone, um tubo corporal e um paraquedas de recuperação. Um motor de foguete, um motor de arranque e um reboque de recuperação são usados uma vez. Os motores de foguete vêm em uma variedade de tamanhos, atrasos de tempo e durações de queimaduras. Uma recomendação do motor de "primeiro voo" é geralmente feita para cada kit de foguete. Uma base de lançamento tem uma base estável e uma haste vertical que fornecem estabilidade vertical durante a elevação inicial. Um controlador de lançamento tem um interruptor de ignição com chave para evitar ignição acidental, e um cabo oferece uma distância segura do foguete durante o lançamento. Pacotes em massa de kits de foguete estão disponíveis para clubes e escolas, e permitem que grupos de crianças experimentem construir e lançar um foguete.

    Estes fabrica kits de foguete, equipamentos de lançamento e motores de foguete. A empresa, fundada em 1958, tem sede em Penrose, CO.

    Estes 通用 E2X 火箭散装包包含 12 个火箭套件包,内含组装火箭所需的材料和说明。 建议 10 岁及以上的儿童在成人监督下使用,直到 12 岁。 塑料鼻锥体、体管、一体式塑料尾鳍单元和自粘贴花允许组装火箭而无需涂漆。 发射火箭时需要额外的设备和用品,包括发射系统、火箭发动机、启动器、恢复装水和胶水(全部单独出售)。 这款火箭散装包有 12 个独立小包,每个孩子都可以体验组装和发射火箭(使用所需组件),适合青年团体活动,如俱乐部和学校。

    规格技能水平,易于组装(E2X),简单粘合,无油漆,建议10岁及以上,成人监督,12 个推荐引擎1/2A6-2,A8-3(首次飞行),A8-5,B4-4,B6-4,B6-6,C6-5,C6-7 投影最大高度1,100' ( 335 米)火箭 重量 1.3 盎司(36 克)尺寸* 15 x 1 英寸(高 x 宽)所需组件(不包括)发射器,如 Estes 002220 电子束
    发射垫,如 Estes 002215 Porta-Pad II
    火箭发动机/起动器/恢复填料,如 Estes 001781 A8-3 发动机散装包

    *H 是高度,从最低到最高点的垂直距离;W 是宽度,水平距离从左到右。

    模型火箭套件包括可重复使用的部件,需要发射设备和一次性发射用品。 这些套件建议 10 岁及以上的儿童使用,成人监督建议年龄 12 岁。 火箭套件组件包含一系列技能水平 - 从易于组装(E2X),只需要简单的粘合,一小时不到一小时的时间—到 5 级,需要多步骤组装,进行测量、切割、粘合和涂漆任务。 可重复使用的火箭套件组件包括锥体、身体管和恢复降落伞。 一次使用火箭发动机、起动机、恢复型填料。 火箭发动机有各种尺寸、延时和燃烧时间。 每个火箭套件通常会发出"第一次飞行"的发动机推荐。 发射台具有稳定的底座和一个垂直杆,可在初始抬起时提供垂直稳定性。 发射控制器具有键控点火开关,防止意外点火,电缆在发射过程中与火箭提供安全距离。 可用于俱乐部和学校的散装模型火箭套件,让孩子们可以体验搭建和发射火箭的体验。

    Estes 生产模型火箭套件、发射设备和火箭发动机。 该公司成立于 1958 年,总部位于科罗拉多州Penrose

    Estes Generic E2X 火箭散裝包裝包含 12 個火箭套組,內含組裝火箭所需的材料和說明。 建議 10 歲及以上的兒童在成人監督下至 12 歲。 塑膠鼻錐、身體管、一體成型塑膠尾翼和自黏貼紙,不需上漆即可組裝火箭。 發射火箭需要額外的設備和用品,包括發射系統、火箭模型、啟動器、恢復填料和膠水(全部單獨出售)。 這款火箭散裝包有 12 個單獨的包,讓每個孩子都能體驗組裝和發射火箭(含所需組件),適合青少年團體活動,如俱樂部和學校。

    規格 技能等級 易於組裝 (E2X)、簡單黏貼、不塗漆 建議年齡 10 歲及以上,12 歲以下成人監督 建議引擎1/2A6-2、A8-3(首次飛行)、A8-5、B4-4、B6-6、C6-5、C6 -7 Pro。 最大發射高度 1,100 英尺(335 公尺)火箭重量 1.2 盎司(36 克)尺寸* 15 x 1 英吋(高 x 寬)所需組件(不含)發射控制器,如 Estes 002220 Electron Beam
    發射墊,例如 Estes 002215 Porta-Pad II
    火箭引擎/起動機/恢復膨脹機,例如 Estes 001781 A8-3 引擎散裝包裝

    *H 是高度,垂直距離從最小到最高點;W 是寬度,從左到右的水平距離。

    模型火箭套件包括可重複使用的零件,並需要發射設備和一次性發射用品。 這些套組建議 10 歲及以上的兒童使用,建議 12 歲成人監督使用。 Rocket Kit 組裝包含一系列技能等級 - 從易於組裝 (E2X),僅需要簡單的黏貼和不到一小時的時間 - 到等級 5,需要進行多步驟組裝,完成測量、切割、黏合和繪畫任務。 可重複使用的火箭套組組件包括一個圓錐、一個體管和一個回收降落傘。 火箭引擎、起動機和恢復填料都已使用過。 Rocket 火箭引擎提供多種尺寸、延時和燃燒時間。 一般為每個火箭套組提出「首次飛行」引擎建議。 發射墊有穩定的底座和垂直桿,可在初始升降時提供垂直穩定性。 ​ 發射控制器有鑰匙點火開關,可防止意外點火,而電纜可在發射過程中與火箭提供安全距離。 大量模型火箭套組可供夜店和學校使用,並讓孩子們體驗建造和發射火箭。

    Estes 製造模型火箭套件、發射設備和火箭引擎。 該公司成立於 1958 年,總部位於科羅拉多州彭羅斯。

    Estes Generic E2X 로켓 벌크 팩에는 로켓을 조립하는 데 필요한 재료와 지침이 포함된 12개의 로켓 키트 패킷이 포함되어 있습니다. 10세 이상 어린이에게 권장하며, 최대 12세의 성인의 감독하에 사용할 수 있습니다. 플라스틱 노즈 콘, 바디 튜브, 일체형 플라스틱 테일 핀 유닛 및 셀프 스틱 데칼은 페인트 없이 로켓을 조립할 수 있습니다. 발사 시스템, 모델 로켓 엔진, 스타터, 복구 솜 및 접착제(모두 별도 판매)를 포함한 로켓을 발사하려면 추가 장비와 소모품이 필요합니다. 이 로켓 벌크 팩에는 12개의 개별 패킷이 있어 각 아이들이 로켓을 조립하고 발사하는 것을 경험할 수 있으며 클럽 및 학교와 같은 청소년 그룹 활동에 적합합니다.

    사양 기술 레벨 쉬운 조립(E2X), 간단한 접착, 페인팅 없음. 권장 연령 만 10세 이상, 권장 엔진 1/2A6-2, A8-3 (첫 비행), A8-5, B4-4, B6-4, B6-6, C6-5, C6. -7 Pro. 발사 최대 고도 335m(1,100피트) 로켓 무게 36g(1.1온스) 크기* 38.1 x 2.5cm(15 x 1인치) (H x W) 필수 구성 요소 (포함되지 않음) Estes 002220 전자 빔과 같은 발사 컨트롤러.
    Estes 002215 Porta-Pad II와 같은 발사 패드.
    Estes 001781 A8-3 엔진 벌크 팩과 같은 로켓 엔진/스타터/복구 패딩.

    *H는 높이, 가장 낮은 지점에서 가장 높은 지점까지의 수직 거리, 너비는 왼쪽에서 오른쪽까지의 수평 거리입니다.

    모델 로켓 키트에는 재사용 가능한 부품이 포함되어 있으며 발사 장비와 일회용 발사 소모품이 필요합니다. 이 키트는 만 10세 이상의 어린이에게 권장하며, 성인의 감독하에 만 12세에게 권장합니다. 로켓 키트 조립은 쉬운 조립(E2X)부터 간단한 접착과 1시간 미만의 시간 안에 레벨 5까지 다양한 기술 수준을 아우릅니다. 측정, 절단, 접착 및 페인팅 작업을 위한 다단계 조립이 필요합니다. 재사용 가능한 로켓 키트 구성 요소에는 콘, 바디 튜브 및 복구 낙하산이 포함됩니다. 로켓 엔진, 스타터 및 복구 솜을 한 번 사용합니다. 로켓 엔진은 다양한 크기, 시간 지연 및 연소 시간으로 제공됩니다. 일반적으로 각 로켓 키트에 대해 "첫 번째 비행" 엔진 권장 사항이 제공됩니다. 발사 패드에는 안정적인 베이스와 초기 리프트 오프 중에 수직 안정성을 제공하는 수직 막대가 있습니다. 발사 컨트롤러에는 우발적인 점화를 방지하기 위한 키 점화 스위치가 있으며 케이블은 발사 중에 로켓으로부터 안전한 거리를 제공합니다. 모델 로켓 키트 벌크 팩은 클럽과 학교에서 사용할 수 있으며, 어린이 그룹이 로켓을 만들고 발사하는 것을 경험할 수 있습니다.

    Estes는 모델 로켓 키트, 발사 장비 및 로켓 엔진을 제조합니다. 1958년에 설립된 이 회사는 콜로라도 펜로스에 본사를 두고 있습니다.


    4.8 out of 5

    95.56% of customers are satisfied

    5.0 out of 5 stars No complaints

    C.F. · November 13, 2024

    Love that this company makes it so easy to do a rockets and propelling class for our co-op. Would purchase again

    5.0 out of 5 stars Good, safe fun!

    H.o.K.&.K. · August 7, 2023

    Each July 4th, we pick a theme and send rockets to all of our guests in advance of the gathering. They build and decorate the rockets to match our chosen theme. It’s a (literal) blast! And, they are so much safer than traditional fireworks, and they don’t scare our dogs.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Easy to assemble, reasonable price

    P. · July 25, 2023

    I have bought this pack several times to use with Scouts BSA at merit badge events. These go together easy and if you use the right amount of good glue you can launch these in just a couple of hours after assembly.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Perfect for scout groups

    J. · October 31, 2022

    Built on one evening and launched the next week.The kids loved em. Easy to assemble for the leaders. They even last a few misfires when they hit the ground at full speed.

    4.0 out of 5 stars Good value for the money

    H.L.J. · October 21, 2020

    I bought the bulk pack to use with a youth group. We had fun putting them together and launching them with "A" size rocket engines. Putting them together took more time than originally thought and they were not exactly "plug and play" as glue had to dry. We launched them same day anyway and had a great time.We launched one with a "B" size engine and were amazed at how high it went. We launched one with a "C" size engine and never saw it again. It went beyond sight and if the parachute opened at end of launch, we never did see it. Fun times.

    5.0 out of 5 stars AWESOME ROCKETS!!!!

    J. · October 10, 2022

    We built these rockets with the Webelos and Arrow of Light dens from our Cub Scout pack. Relatively easy to build with some adult help. Recommend having at least one adult with some solid fuel rocket experience. We built at one of our den meetings and then launched on another. The build was fun. We had 11 kids and 6 adults to help, and it took ~90 minutes for the build. Kids decorated their rockets later at home. Launch day was epic! Both the kids and the adults had a BLAST!!! As the finale, we loaded one of the rockets with a "C" size motor. I think we hit the moon because we never saw that particular rocket again! :)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Good class set

    G.L. · May 22, 2023

    Nice classroom set for students to build rockets.

    4.0 out of 5 stars Great rocket-- horrible sticker sheets

    L.B. · April 7, 2023

    I had group of Kindergarten-3rd grade students build these rockets (I did some prep work-- the measurements and slit-making on the engine mount, as well as the parachute attachment to the nose cone). They were able to assemble and glue all the other parts. The problems occurred when we passed out the stickers so they could decorate... these sticker sheets are NOT pre-perforated. Scissors are required to cut the stickers from the sheets. This was a huge issue as the kids tried to cut and peel the foil stickers. Next time, I'll put the included sticker sheets aside and just give this age group regular, generic stickers for decorating.

    Completely satisfied.

    R. · October 5, 2015

    A great kit to use with beginning 'Rocketeers'. I purchased them to use with Cub Scouts and they had a blast (pun intended)!! Quick delivery, items exactly as described.

    Estes Generic E2X Rocket Bulk Pack (Pack of 12) , White





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