Official Creality Ender 3 3D Printer Fully Open Source with Resume Printing Function DIY 3D Printers Printing Size 8.66x8.66x9.84 inch


About this item:

  • Resume Printing Function: no worry to the immediate power outage or electric circuit error, Ender 3 has the ability to resume printing even after a power outage or lapse occurs, you can continue to print
  • Easy and Qucik Assembly: Creality Ender 3 3d printer, it is the most basic 3d printer model, which is easy to learn how to do the 3d printing. More students and beginners can easily start to work with it, it can help to improve your exercise hands-on skills. It comes with several assembled parts, you only need about 2 hours to assemble 20 nuts well
  • Advanced Extruder Technology: Ender 3 upgraded extruder greatly reduces plugging risk and bad extrustion; V-shape with POM wheels make it move noiseless, smoothly and durable
  • Safety Protected Power Supply: Only needs 5 minutes for hot bed to reach 100 degree
  • Strict Test: Strict testing for key components before delivery and supports available. Kindly remind, to make sure the printer can power on normally without power off automatically, please check the side of the power supply and see whether the power supply voltage is 115V? You can have a look at the side of the power supply to confirm this point
  • Review:

    5.0 out of 5

    100.00% of customers are satisfied

    5.0 out of 5 stars Very addictive!

    D. · May 18, 2023

    I have been thinking about buying a 3d printer for a little over a year. They have been pricy so I've not stepped into this arena, especially with so much information to wade through. So I bought this printer on a whim with a "lighting deal."First, I read other reviews and found YouTube for assembling the printer. The instructions help a little with the videos, but this is really the only negative. It's well made and simple to assemble so it made for a fun afternoon.Next thing to know is that I didn't know nearly enough. Once it's assembled, you have to level it. Luckily there's a ton of videos on this, and the assembly videos will go through that as well. It's not hard, but something I never thought of. I also got the auto leveler and installed it a few days later. That's a whole different thing that is amazing once you figure it out.Another thing i didn't realize is the print bed. This printer comes with one, obviously, and it does a good job. Keeping the bed level is hugely important for your prints. Also keeping it clean. It's never really clean though. I watched a ton of videos about using alcohol to clean it but that can actually be too harsh. Soap and water seems to be the go to across forums. Using some other adhesive is fair game as well. I didn't realize how much damage I did and bought a glass bed for my prints. Glass was amazing! It actually struggled to get prints to release. But the alcohol was too much and had already started to ruin my new bed. So, just soap and water should get you through most issues (and don't be afraid of the glass bed, it is pretty nice)Now, your filament absorbs water. I also didn't realize this and thought the various filament storage and dryer were just frivolous. They are, and they aren't. I have silica beads, and a vacuum sealer, so I don't strictly speaking need one of those. Also, my oven has a dehydration setting. However, it's nice to just have one on hand and not take up the kitchen or extra electricity from having the oven on. So, need one, no, but I'm not mad that my bundle came with one.Most of the rest of your questions can be Googled. But also, read forums, not just the popular videos and articles (it's how I've ruined two print bed). Everyone loves discussing the slicer (print configuration software basically) settings ands getting the most out of each print. I'm personally looking forward to learning to build my own designs, but don't feel like you have to. My kids love me printing endless frogs and cats for them to display and show off. My nephew likes the toys I've managed so far.Above I've mentioned things I've learned and wish I knew more about ahead of time. However I haven't really talked about the printer itself. It's been great. There's no real instructions because each print is a little different. You need to experiment to see what works best with everything. That may not be for everyone. But you can create surprisingly large prints with great detail with this printer. It's been smooth! It's worth noting that 3d printers can be loud, but it's not very. If say it's more quiet then most dot matrix printers. I can sit by it printing and work on other projects, or leave the room and I can't really hear it.So if you're wanting to break into this as a hobby, this is an excellent printer to start with. It's a little older so there's tons of help out there for it and it's been reliable. Replacement parts are not expensive, nor are upgrades.TLDR: This is a good printer and I'm happy with my purchase.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing printer!

    L.C. · December 11, 2022

    The Ender 3 marked my entry into the 3D-printing world, and I love it! The 3D printer has been a godsend! If you're also newbie and searching for advice, here's my brief take on the Ender 3. It's awesome!The Ender 3 arrives in pieces that you must assemble. Since it is essentially a robot, assembly can seem overwhelming at first, but if you take it one step at a time, you'll be printing in no time. I found the printed instructions accompanying the unit to be more sizzle than steak, but, fortunately there are several videos on YouTube that make assembly a breeze. Believe it or not, assembling the unit yourself is beneficial because it familiarizes you with the device. It will allow you to easily make the minor adjustments that 3D printers often require.My wife and I have found that 3D printing comes with somewhat of a steep learning curve, but it's fun. YouTube and websites such as "all3DP dot com" have proven themselves to be life savers.The most common adjustments you'll make while 3D printing is "bed leveling." In truth, though, you're not actually "leveling" the print bed, but rather you're ensuring that the print nozzle is uniformly distanced from the bed (the print surface) on all its 4 corners. The nozzle needs to be super close, too. ...not about an inch or two away from the print bed, but rather it needs to be no further than the thickness of a piece of paper. Crazy, huh?When my wife and I printed a test file provided by Creality (the manufacturer), we frankly sat mesmerized at the unit's precision. It was like staring into a campfire and getting lost in the flames. The nozzle just zipped back and forth across the print bed leaving tiny bits of corn-based "plastic" one layer at a time, and eventually (over time) created a cat/dog thingy.In search of more things to print, we settled on two websites with tons of 3D-printable files that are very often free to download. The websites are "thingiverse dot com" and "cults3d dot com". The latter site takes longer to load, but seems to have more options. Creality has one too, but I haven't really checked it out yet. It's important to note that the files you download from such websites are *.stl files, whereas the Ender 3 needs *.gcode files. To make the file conversion, we downloaded a piece of software called Cura. It appears to be the best (free) software on the market for "slicing" 3D files into *.gcode files. That too has a steep learning curve, complete with complicated settings. But fortunately there are lots of tutorials online along with settings you can copy from experts. I mostly rely on "all3DP dot com" for that.After a while, we decided to invent our own designs and then print them into existence. In my opinion, the cat's meow -- the best and easiest 3D design application -- is Fusion360. It has a limited free version for students and schools, but otherwise it's quite pricey. My wife then found free, open-sourced design software called FreeCAD. We love it, and haven't turned back since.The filament we prefer is PLA. In our experience, PLA produces little to no fumes and it's guilt-free because it's corn-based and biodegradable. It should be noted, though, that not all PLA is created equally. This is primarily because (according to what I've read) pigments affect the PLA in different ways. So, when I order PLA from Bolo, I always look for the PLA with the most and highest reviews. Then, I refer upon their temperature recommendations.Overall, we absolutely love the Ender 3. At under $200, it's extremely affordable, and the process of printing things into existence can be (in my experience) somehow transformative. And if you find yourself confused about something, take my advice by not wasting time by trying to figure it out for yourself. Just refer to the experts on any of the websites I mentioned so, later on, you can focus on things that really design.Note: the bearing on a little fan went out. So, I reached out to Comgrow, they got back to me immediately, and now a new fan is on the way. No fuss no muss.Finally, at the risk of getting to personal, I'm a disabled veteran who benefits from focusing on tangible things. The process of 3D printing has proven itself to be such a godsend in that regard, that I think the VA should seriously explore ways of getting more vets 3D printing.I hope this helped newbies like me. Happy printing!

    Seguridad en la entrega

    F.T. · October 5, 2024

    Amo esta impresora y la seguridad de mandarte el código para que solo yo o personas de confianza lo reciban, gran calidad y fácil de empezar a usar


    Ó.p. · August 15, 2024

    Ótimo produto

    very good printer, but Creality OS is mid

    S.H. · April 20, 2024

    out of the box the printer works great, and aside from bolting on the gantry, and plugging in some wires, is easier to get running than most paper printersit is a perfect printer if you if you want something affordable that will just printthe power loss protection works greatthe filament runout switch works great, but probably should've been on the SE toothe all metal hotend means you can print more exotic plastics (you might need to make a heated enclosure though)the 2 print cooling fans make slopes and overhangs easier to printbuild quality is amazing for the priceit has a direct drive extruder, so you can print flexible filaments, and waste less time retracting filamentthe build surface and heated bed give very good adhesion, I haven't had any warping with PLA except when it was dusty, or when the bed needed to be remappedthe magnetic build plate is very nice to have so you don't have to pry up larger prints with razor blades and scrapersthe printer is nice to look at, which can't exactly be said for the Ender 3 V1 and its exposed power supplythe motors are very quietaside from sticking once during setup causing the printer to give an easily identified error code, the bed mapping probe works wellthe Z offset load cell is very nice to have, but it would be nicer if it was in the print head (if it was than there would be no need for a separate bed mapping probe)unfortunately the cooling fan for the control board stays on constantly, and the fans in general are quite loudignore the following if you don't care about printing parts with abnormally tight tolerances, or you just really hate Creality Printyou'll need Mainsail or Fluidd if you want to fine tune motor rotation distance (motor steps), with stock settings my X axis was about 0.75-0.5mm too large over 150mm, which is fine for most prints, but can make printed gears, bushings, etc bind upCreality Print does have a sloppy way to bypass this, in that you can adjust both the x and y axis thermal contraction offset, but most other slicers don't have this, since this is usually adjusted on the printer itselfCreality print also lacks features like hole size compensation, and more experimental features like scarf jointed seamsklipper printers use a controller similar to a raspberry pi to send instructions to a secondary board, so installing custom control software is a lot more involved than reflashing a marlin printer, *don't try it unless you know what you're doing*, there is documentation for installing Mainsail and Fluidd on the Creality github, but the commands listed didn't work for me, so I had to spend hours looking for a different tutorial, since info on the KE was quite scarce when I got itit would be nice if it came stock with both Mainsail and Fluidd preinstalled, since they don't interfere with anything, and are needed to adjust advanced settings and print wirelessly with other slicersif you're a beginner get this or the SE, they're both greatif you want to fine tune your printer but absolutely don't want to mess around with ssh editors and stuff consider the SE,if you are good at following tutorials and want the extra features, get this

    Arbeitet hervorragend. Besonders für Anfänger und fortgeschrittene Hobby-Drucker geeignet.

    M. · October 6, 2024

    Wir haben den Creality Ender 3 V2 3D Drucker jetzt seit fast einem Jahr im Einsatz und möchten unsere Erfahrungsberichte mit euch teilen.Zunächst: Wir sind begeistert von der Leistung und den Funktionen dieses Geräts. Als jemand, der sowohl als anfänglicher aber auch erfahrener Hobbyist im Bereich des 3D-Drucks tätig ist, lohnt sich dieser Drucker allemal.Design und Aufbau:Der Ender 3 V2 kommt in einem gut durchdachten, modularen Design, das den Aufbau zum Kinderspiel macht. Die Anleitung ist klar und verständlich, sodass wir den Drucker in weniger als einer Stunde zusammenbauen konnten. Das Gehäuse aus stabilen Materialien sorgt für eine solide Basis, die Vibrationen minimiert und die Druckqualität verbessert. Das kompakte Design macht ihn ideal für den Einsatz zu Hause.Druckqualität:Die Druckqualität des Ender 3 V2 hat uns wirklich beeindruckt. Mit einer Schichtdicke von bis zu 0,1 mm produziert dieser Drucker detailreiche Modelle mit glatten Oberflächen. Wir haben sowohl Deko damit hergestellt, als auch nützliche Haushaltsprodukte, wie beispielsweise verschiedene Halterungen. Was besonders gut ankam, war eine Labyrinth-Box welche man nur öffnen konnte, wenn man richtig gedreht hat.Wir modellieren hauptsächlich mit PLA und PETG und die Ergebnisse waren durchweg hervorragend. Die Haftung auf dem beheizten Druckbett ist ausgezeichnet, was das Warping minimiert und eine gleichmäßige erste Schicht gewährleistet.32 Bit Silent Board:Ein herausragendes Merkmal des Ender 3 V2 ist das integrierte 32 Bit Silent Board. Dieses Upgrade sorgt nicht nur für eine verbesserte Leistung, sondern auch für einen deutlich leiseren Betrieb im Vergleich zu älteren Modellen. Während des Druckvorgangs kann man problemlos arbeiten oder entspannen, ohne von störenden Geräuschen abgelenkt zu werden. Dies ist besonders wichtig für Nutzer in Wohnräumen oder Büros.Benutzerfreundlichkeit:Die Benutzeroberfläche des Ender 3 V2 ist intuitiv und einfach zu bedienen. Die Möglichkeit, SD-Karten zu verwenden, erleichtert das Laden von Druckdateien erheblich. Zudem bietet der Drucker eine praktische Resume-Funktion, die es ermöglicht, den Druck nach einem Stromausfall oder einer Unterbrechung fortzusetzen – ein echter Lebensretter!


    C.A. · July 3, 2024

    De momento bien iniciandome en el mundillo facil de usar mientras todo sale bien pero aveces ay que pelearse con la nivelacion aunque es automatica y sobretodo cada filamento aunque sea de la misma marca tiene unos parametros y uso diferente !!!! Ya veremos con el tiempo

    Official Creality Ender 3 3D Printer Fully Open Source with Resume Printing Function DIY 3D Printers Printing Size 8.66x8.66x9.84 inch





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