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5.0 out of 5 stars Watch YouTube On-line Beginner Videos BEFORE Building - Assembly Sheet Is VERY Confusing
Watch the third-party free YouTube on-line beginner videos BEFORE building. The included assembly sheet is VERY confusing … and I’m an engineer! The videos make good points about how extremely important it is to make sure the printer’s frame is absolutely square in all three dimensions. Just gradually tightening the bolts in a rotation (like when tightening the bolts/nuts on a vehicle wheel) isn’t good enough.The Z limit switch mounting bracket has a nub on the left front corner (looking from the front of the printer). Some videos say to clip it off (e.g., with diagonal wire cutters or heavy-duty shears), which is the only way that I could get to perform the bed “leveling” process. The process actually positions the bed parallel to the X-Y plane of the printer’s frame (left-to-right, and front-to-back).Some people mistakenly try to use a carpenter’s level to “level” the bed, but if the printer isn’t sitting on a perfectly level table/bench surface, and the bottom of the printer frame isn’t exactly parallel to the supporting table/bench surface (not likely), a carpenter’s level won’t be of any use.Threading the printing filament past the gripping feed rollers and into the white feed tube to the print head is very tricky. Some videos show that it helps to unscrew the brass fitting attached to the feed tube and get the filament to protrude out of the right side of the feed mechanism about an inch (25 mm), then screw the brass fitting back into the mechanism after pushing the fitting over the protruding filament.That makes it possible to get the filament into the feed tube - I couldn’t have accomplished that step without that hint. Getting the end of the filament into the hole beyond the gripping feed rollers was extremely frustrating, as the hole is impossible to see, even with bright lighting, as the hole passes through a black plastic housing behind the very close rollers.The menu items are somewhat different on my printer from any of the manual versions (included on the USB thumb drive, on the Creality.com site, elsewhere on-line, or what’s shown in the videos. I was able to guess that the Motion menu item was what had to be selected from the main menu in order to get to the Auto Home and Disable Steppers menu items, needed to perform the “leveling” steps.Once I had stumbled through the assembly sheet, then discovered the YouTube videos and done things right, printing was pretty straightforward using the built-in micro-SD card reader. I haven’t been able to scale a model down in the included Creality subset of the free, open-source Cura “slicing” software.The provided gcode files print just fine, but not the .stl files after scaling and saving as gcode files. The printer only displays and prints from gcode files that the slicing software generates from .stl (3D Object) files. I’m trying to resolve this issue via on-line searches and forums.
5.0 out of 5 stars Hands down the best 3D printer for your buck
After fiddling with and repairing my neighbor's printer, I decided it was time to buy my own. I looked around at multiple different printers. After looking at the Repraguru kits, Dremel models, Prusa models and others, I borrowed a friend's Ender 3. I immediately fell in love with it. This printer has a great balance of sturdiness, ease of assembly and use, community support, and mods. Mods are very important.First of all, the printer arrived at my doorstep a day early. This was important as I am helping print PPE for my local first responders as well as medical staff in need. It took less than an hour to assemble. After completed a test print wit the included SD card, I was ready to start printing masks and face shields.Since I am relatively new to 3D printing, I did not have a preferred slicer program. The included SD card has a number of utilities to allow you setup and print 3D prints that you download. Creality's beta slicer program is very simple and easy to use. If you prefer remote printing, you can do that as long as you have a computer and the enclosed SD card. For me, I used Octoprint instead. Either way, the printer easily configured to print remotely.I can forget the metal frame and location of parts. Unlike my neighbor's kit 3D printer, this thing is clean and easy to use. The current version even has a the ability to update settings with having to flash to EEPROM. As a result, all I had to do is watch a couple of youtube videos and voila, I'm updating a 3D printer for the first time.All in all, you can't go wrong. if you get one of these things. Now, my biggest worry is whether I have enough filament. Because I seem to have things to design and print, all the time. Thanks for a great product.
5.0 out of 5 stars One word, Wow!
Let me start off by saying that I am an educator and that I have been using 3D printers for the last four years. We wrote a grant at my school and purchased 2 printrbot simple metals and 4 printrbot metal plus printers. They range in price from $699 - $1100. I assembled two of them and they were very somewhat difficult. I ordered the Creality ender 3 to have something to mess around with at home and see if it would be something that I could really push to be used in the classroom because of the price difference. I have ran this printer really hard for about two weeks now and I am very impressed. The assembling was really easy. It took me a little over an hour. I watched a youtube video that made the whole process very easy. The quality of prints I am getting are just as good as the printrbot and it seems to be a little faster. I really like not having to use painters tape to get prints to stick to the print bed. I also love the option of being able to take the top layer of the print bed off and pop the prints loose. That is an awesome feature. The bed leveling was tricky at first but once I watched a video on it, it is not a problem. It is a little warped on one corner, but the prints still cover off very accurate. I do want to upgrade to the glass bed to see if that makes any difference, but I do not feel at this point it is a necessity. I will be talking to my administration soon to discuss purchasing several of these printers to have in our school. Thank you for making an affordable printer for everyone that gets the job done and has a pretty big print area.
Impressora ainda muito boa para quem tá começando
Sei que há impressoras super modernas, que já imprimem em diversas cores e tudo mais, mas se a sua intenção é entrar no mundo da impressão 3D, essa Ender 3 é perfeita, pois é barata e dá pra tirar peças com qualidade muito boa. Se não conhece nada de impressão e quer descobrir esse mundo, pode ser uma boa pedida (se o preço estiver atrativo, claro), aí depois que estudar bastante, dominar as tecnicas de impressão 3D (o que leva bastante tempo), se quiser comprar uma mais cara, vale a pena. Eu só não compraria uma cara de imediato, começaria com uma simples e depois evoluiria, afinal de contas, quando vc tira habilitação, aprende num kwid, não numa ferrari, e mesmo assim, vc aprende a dirigir!
A+ service!
This is the first time since being on Bolo (a long time actually) that I reviewed a product .Printer didn't work so I e-mailed the company and got a reply quickly.After doing the steps the tech asked me to do it was determine that the LCD was defective and he sent one out the next day. Unfortunately Canada Post took 2weeks to deliver, the closer you are the longer it takes.Great service and fast resolutions to problems.
Excelente relación precio/calidad.
Excelente equipo.El ensamble es bastante intuitivo y con ayuda del manual lo llevas bien.Desde la primera impresión salió excelente.
A better 3D printer - even though the price is extremely affordable
I bought this printer as well as the Prusa Mini+. Surprisingly, this printer turns out to be easier to manage and comes up with better and nicer prints. The Prusa Mini+ had some initial teething problems - particularly pertaining to prints being dislodged as it was not sticking to the print plate. I used glue-stick and finally decided to use 90% IPA alcohol solutions, which eventually worked. During this time, the Creality became my most reliable 3D printer!This printer was certainly worth more than the price I had paid and I would recommend anyone who is interested in 3D printing to get one! I absolutely didn't regret making the jump - even though I heard horrible stories about support for this printer.
Muito boa...
The media could not be loaded. Tenho ela a 2 semanas... Impressões de qualidade, barata, fácil de configurar, altamente personalizável, o barulho de impressão incomoda um pouco, mas a uma solução.Já imprimi várias coisas e sem nenhum tipo de problema.Veja bastante vídeos de como imprimir, configurar e desenhar as suas próprias artes.Eu uso somente PLA PREMIUM, tentei ABS mas não gostei do material e a impressão fica muito difícil, pois ele precisa de uma impressora fechada, pois a mudança de temperatura faz a impressão ficar quebradiça!Dica:Um upgrade indispensável e a troca da placa principal para a versão v4.2.7 que deixa a ender 3 silenciosa a ponto de você ouvir somente as ventoinhas...
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