About this item:
4.8 out of 5
95.38% of customers are satisfied
5.0 out of 5 stars Good size, works smooth, great deal for price
I have sorta smaller hands so I liked that this wasn't too bulky, which mouse styles like these can be.I love the white color, yes it does stain a bit but I am also a slob and eat at my desk. I wipe it down with a clorox wipe every now and again but it does leave discoloration at the most used parts.I personally am OK with it because it still looks great and I didn't get it just for the color.Track ball is smooth, ive had it 3 months now and it doesn't "stick", the scroll wheel works fast and smooth for when dealing with an excel worksheet that doesn't seem to end, lol.Very pleased with this, especially considering it was cheaper than a bigger name brand for the same color, and that one was bigger in size which I didn't care for.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great track ball
I've been using the original track ball brand for some time, but I decided to try this one. The ball is as smooth as silk. It's also blue tooth, so I don't take up a slot with a receiver. I really like it (this is my second one). I should add they have great customer service. I didn't know to click it to wake it up, and commented on that with my first review. I received an email from them explaining how it works. Great product! and good customer service!
4.0 out of 5 stars Works great
After adjusting sensitivity works great.
5.0 out of 5 stars Good quality wireless mouse
I love everything about this mouse! It is so much better than previous trackball mice I have used through logitech, and so much more affordable! Maneuvering around the screen and scrolling are both smooth. I love customizing the speed with which the arrow moves across the laptop screen based on the type of task I am working on; by pressing the small button in between the left and right mouse buttons, the on screen arrow gives greater resistance and requires more scrolling to move the arrow across the screen. There are 5 settings and it is perfect for detail work! The material that your hand rests on is smooth and almost velvety feeling. The buttons are not too far apart or close together and are responsive to the touch. The rechargeable battery last for a long time! And I love that it is interchangeable between bluetooth and USB to connect to my laptop, so if I need the USB ports for a different task, I am not limited to my laptop mouse pad. If I had to pick some kind of drawback, I would say it could be clicking the left button instead of moving the trackball to wake up the mouse when it goes into rest mode, but really it doesn't bother me that much. If you love trackball mice, you will love this product!
5.0 out of 5 stars Love it
Works great! Didn't feel like spending a ton and turns out I didn't need to. This mouse works great, is very responsive, and cute as well. Priced right.
3.0 out of 5 stars Won't stay white long
UPDATE (1/5/2024):Shortly after leaving my review, Nulea customer service reached out to help with my concerns. While I still would like to see a better coating on the white trackball, I appreciate that Nulea stands behind their products and would have no concerns buying their products in the future. As noted, the black model would not have been fine, and I like the various color options for the trackball itself. Battery life update - I haven't charged since my original review, and it's still going strong even with daily use for work. So far so good.ORIGINAL (unedited):The only thing about this mouse I dislike is how easy it stains. I've owned the white version of the mouse for less than 90 days, and it's already stained from usage. I tried using water, dish soap, and magic eraser, but nothing helped. I have owned other white peripherals for years, and this is the first and only one has stained. When buying a WHITE mouse I expect it to stay white. If you care about having a white trackball, spend extra money to buy the other brand - their coating will hold up and won't stain. I regret this purchase and would return/exchange it if possible.After having 7+ logi trackballs develop the "double click" issue just out of warranty, we decided to give another brand a try. In terms of trackball functionality, it works perfectly. It's the same popular style and shape. The Bluetooth connects well, and I have yet to have any charge/battery issues. I can't speak to the longevity of the internal battery or the clicking/double-clicking yet. I'll update this review if I use it long enough.If you don't care about color, then the dark one is probably a safe buy. For my money, I'd probably just buy logi and just know it's got 24 months before i have to get another one.
5.0 out of 5 stars So far so good
When I first took this mouse out of the box it was so unnatural and strange I came really close to returning it. Plus, one user said the white one discolors and I do not like that at all. I like my stuff to look clean and white. A couple days later I tried it again and I can’t believe it is already starting to feel natural when i barely used it the first time. I already prefer it over my other mouse. This one is bulkier than I thought it would be but it feels good in my hand. I am a woman but I do not have small hands so I don’t know how small hands would do with it. I have attached a picture next to my vertical mouse to show a comparison. It is working well with my iPad using an external display so far.
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Trackball
Perhaps my hands got jittery over the years? Perhaps the performance of my older Logitech got bad? (Several years in use)Seems this mouse trackball drives a lot better than my old Logitech. (Yes, I clean these things on a regular basis) I don't think this old human driver got better. hi, hi.The movement of the cursor is much more precise with the Nulea. I like the adjustable DPI, just press the button until it feels right. Also, the rechargeable battery is a plus. At the time, I used the mouse only for a few days. Perhaps it lives up to the manufacturers use time promise? The coating of the mouse housing has a nice feeling to it. But, I believe it will not last for very long when used heavily.After all it is a reasonably priced device.***** One more thing! ******The wireless connection appears to be a little weak. The mouse is roughly 4-5 feet away from the computer. At times it gets a little choppy, relocating the mouse an inch gets a stable signal again.Either signal is weak or lots of interence from other 21st century devices.
Buena Calidad
Se siente de buena calidad, esta listo para usarse, el producto me gusto, mejor que el Logitech..
Works great
I waited to write a review on this as I've been testing it for awhile now. I've owned a few of the Logitech trackball mice and over time ran into switch and ball tracking issues simply due to age. This previous experience has led me to believe that trackball mice are something that you plan for replacement so I started looking at more cost effective replacements. I tried the Bolo Basics one and it was by far inferior to the Logitech; I do no recommend that one, so next up I gave this one a try. I think I've found what I was looking for. Construction quality feels as good as the Logitech. It seems to have the same overall dimensions. This mouse has suffered through being accidentally dropped on the floor countless times without damage. It tracks well. The buttons have worked for as long as my Logitech ones did without fail and continue to work unlike the Logitech ones which did fail in every one I owned. I was able to do away with the included dongle and pair directly to Bluetooth 3.0 on my system. Personally not only have I have found it less expensive but at this point it might be superior to the Logitech seeing that I have not experienced the button failure issue starting to pop up with the same amount of time using it. This wireless trackball won't break the bank to replace it which is something I've become accustomed to doing with the Logitech one. If and when I have to do so I will be buying this one again based on my experience.
Recuerdo los ratones primitivos y como esta tecnología cambio nuestra manera de relacionarnos con los ordenadores.Desde entonces y hasta llegar a nuestros días poco a poco los ratones para ordenador han ido evolucionando y cambiando su aspecto, los primeros los recordaréis con cable, luego hacia 1991 una conocida marca lanzo el primer ratón inalámbrico y así esa evolución ha continuado hasta nuestros días, donde todavía son una parte fundamental e imprescindible en la mayoría de nuestros ordenadores.En lo que a mí se refiere, es cierto que estaba teniendo dificultades con mi viejo y habitual ratón, pues tras los cambios que realice ultimamente en la mesa de escritorio, el espacio para desplazar el ratón había quedado muy limitado y me resultaba incomodísimo poderlo utilizar.Encontré por casualidad este ratón con bola de seguimiento y nada más verlo supe que era la solución a mi actual problema.CONTENIDO DE LA CAJA:👉 1 Ratón Nulea inalámbrico con bola de seguimiento.👉 1 Cable de carga USB-C👉 1 Manual de instrucciones en diferentes lenguas, también en español.Quiero afirmar con absoluta rotundidad que se trata del mejor ratón que haya tenido jamás.Está fabricado en un material super agradable al tacto, como aterciopelado, pero sin serlo. Su ergonomía deja tu mano derecha en un ángulo perfecto, donde tu brazo y muñeca quedan perfectamente relajados. Pensad que se trata de un dispositivo con bola de seguimiento, esto significa que para interactuar con la pantalla no mueves el ratón en sí, sino la bola que accionas con tu dedo pulgar de la mano derecha, la cual es la que determina el movimiento del puntero en la pantalla. El ángulo en el que deja tu muñeca, de aproximadamente 49º es una posición ideal para poder trabajar con él durante horas, Por otro lado, el movimiento de la bola con el dedo pulgar se produce de una forma extremadamente suave.El DPI ajustable en 5 posiciones te permite seleccionar la velocidad que mejor se adapta a ti, lo que facilita poder utilizar el ratón en ambientes hostiles, como, por ejemplo, sobre la cama.Otra de las particularidades de este ratón es que te permite utilizarlo simultáneamente en 3 dispositivos, 2 a través de Bluetooth y uno a través de Wireless. Esta opción es fácilmente configurable, y el salto entre un dispositivo y otro se realiza simplemente pulsando un botón en la cara inferior del dispositivo.Este ratón está equipado con una batería de litio de larga duración, cuya primera carga se recomienda realizar antes del primer uso, utilizando preferiblemente el cable que viene suministrado junto a él y sin utilizar bajo ningún concepto un adaptador de carga rápida.El Nulea M501 dispone de un sistema de auto apagado que se activa 30 minutos después de haber utilizado el ratón por última vez, en ese momento entra en un modo de suspensión a partir del cual no continúa consumiendo energía, para reactivarlo, basta con pulsar un botón o accionar la bola de seguimiento con tu dedo pulgar. En caso de precisar una desconexión temporal por un tiempo indefinido, en la parte inferior incorpora un interruptor a tal fin.DETALLES IMPORTANTES:💚 Fabricado con materiales de primera calidad, de tacto suave y agradable.💚 Muy ligero, tan solo 245g.💚 DPI seleccionable con 5 posiciones.💚 Puede funcionar simultaneamente hasta en 3 dispositivos diferentes.💚 Bateria de Iones de litio de gran capacidad y duración.💚 Sistema de auto apagado automático. NO ME HA GUSTADO:❌ Por el momento nada que destacar aquí.💢 Como puedes ver pertenezco al programa de Bolo denominado VOCES VINE, mi cometido al pertenecer a este programa no es otro que el de verificar y reseñar de una forma personal, honesta e imparcial, ciertos artículos que yo misma selecciono destinados a este fin. Mi objetivo es que puedas realizar una compra informada y que lo que compras se ajuste efectivamente a tus necesidades, si lo consigo, desde este mismo momento ya estoy satisfecha.CONCLUSION FINAL:5 estrellas - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Como ya he mencionado al inicio de la reseña y a pesar de no haber utilizado nunca antes un ratón con bola de seguimiento, debo afirmar con rotundidad que se trata del mejor ratón que haya tenido jamás, una vez te acostumbras a su peculiaridad se hace comodísimo y también muy rápido en su manejo. Tu brazo y muñeca están ahora en una posición de confort nunca antes lograda.La versatilidad que ofrece poder utilizarlo de forma simultánea con tres dispositivos es una de las prestaciones que más me han impresionado, he podido ponerlo en práctica, conectando dos dispositivos por bluetooth y otro mediante el dongle y el resultado ha sido el esperado.Si estás pensando en adquirir un nuevo ratón y valoras inclinarte por un Trackball, examina detenidamente este Nulea M501 pues de buen seguro será un candidato ideal.Mi criterio de evaluación:1 estrella -⭐: Es una completa decepción, no se lo recomendaría ni a mi peor enemiga.2 estrellas -⭐⭐: Poco satisfecha, materiales y percepción general de baja calidad.3 estrellas -⭐⭐⭐: En general es un artículo aceptable, pero existen cosas a mejorar.4 estrellas -⭐⭐⭐⭐: Muy bien, buena calidad general en todos los aspectos.5 estrellas - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: Extraordinario, muy satisfecha, imposible encontrarle algún defecto.🌹 Si crees que la reseña fue útil, considera pulsar el botón.
Wenn der Platz nicht reicht...
dann braucht man einen Trackball. Solche Eingabegeräte werden auch sehr gerne von Grafikern und Designern verwendet, die nicht wie Harry Potter auf dem Tisch wutschen und wedeln wollen. mit ein wenig Übung kann man mit einem Trackball also präzise arbeiten.An dem Nuela Trackball gefällt mir die Verarbeitung. Das Gehäuse ist komplett mit einer griffigen Gummierung versehen, die hoffentlich möglichst lange hält, denn sonst können solche Gehäuse schnell sehr unansehnlich aussehen.Sämtliche Tasten sind als Mikroschalter ausgelegt und nicht als billige "Knackfrösche". Das Scrollrad läuft präzise und leise. Gleiches gilt für den Trackball - nichts hakt, scheuert oder klemmt. Besonders gefallen hat mir unter dem Trackball die Ablage oder Stützung für den Daumen. Dadurch lässt sich der Trackball mit dem Daumen präziser und entspannter bewegen.Die Verbindung über den Funk-Dongle oder per Bluetooth funktioniert bei mir auch einwandfrei, wobei ich bevorzugt den Dongle verwende, denn das Windows Setup unterstützt kein Bluetooth. Gleiches gilt für WinPE Konstellationen.Also alles in allem ein solider, preiswerter Trackball, der von mir ein klare Kaufempfehlung bekommt.
Ottimo prodotto
Acquistato nell'emergenza estiva causa danno touchpad in vacanza, sono pienamente soddisfatto. Spedizione immediata e altissima qualità. un po' pesante, poco pratico per un notebook (ma ero costretto), ma resta un prodotto consigliatissimo!
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