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4.4 out of 5
88.89% of customers are satisfied
5.0 out of 5 stars Pretty good, easy to use
I don’t have any experience with 3D printers, but I figured printing out pretty quick. You pretty much turn it on after the filament heats up, and then you chose a file from the SD card thing. I chose the pterodactyl, and it printed well. I accidentally broke it but nothing looks misprinted or anything. It didn’t take too long to print or anything. I was a little surprised that the baseplate was smaller than my hand, but for the things I wanted to print, it’s fine and I don’t mind at all. I’ve only had this for a day, but it looks nice in the house and isn’t that loud. The noise is about the same as a paper printer.Overall, good product. I enjoyed what I got.
5.0 out of 5 stars Best little 3d printer I have ever used or seen AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I have a qidi xmax I paid 1400 for and its a pos that has never printed from day one failed prints after failed prints straight up P.O.SI have and ender 2 not a pos but every aspect is manual and so time consuming to get a print to even startThis little cheap printer I though was going to be another slow time consuming pos was my expectation to be honest I was not expecting anything I figured I would end up having to return itButttttttttttt that is not at all what happenedThis little Tina 2 basic has been pumping out unbelievably beautiful prints I have printed more prints with this printer in less than a week than I ever got out of the qidi in 2 years of trying to get a single print to print properly without failure halfway through a printThis printer has changed my mind 1000% on 3d printers in general this little thing I literally only have to say print and it does all the rest with unbelievable precision all the prints are perfect the first layers to the base to the end of the prints are flawlessThe only issue I have is that it's such a small scale so your objects are really limited in size you can print but if you want to print a small object this little giant of a printer is the 1 you needI promise you will not regret getting this thing.I wish I had a bigger version of this exact printer I will never go with any other brand printer at this point if this is the standard basic version I cannot even imagine what a larger scale printer from these guys will doI am just blown away I'm watching it print right now and it's so simple and straight forward no wasting time it gets to work within 3 or 4 minutes it takes me longer to save the stl files and save it to the SD card than it does starting the print processNo leveling bullcrap time wasting processes involved it does all of it for you best machine I have ever had and the cheapest I have ever bought and is the best one I have ever boughtWorth the money honestly the quality this thing give out it's worth double.
4.0 out of 5 stars [UPDATE] Powerful little printer with great customer service!
I was originally very annoyed and disappointed in my purchase as it had come virtually untouched/intact, and yet, the printer did not work, due to faulty construction.However, engaging with customer support, they quickly resolved my problem, with no hassle on my end, sending a completely new (working!!) machine, that DID actually print right out the gate this time. Currently on my third print of the night-it is also deceptively speedy if youre new to 3d printing!Customer support for this product has been great, and they were willing to compensate me for their error. If you're thinking of starting 3d printing on a small scale as a beginner, but maybe on the fence, this is an excellent choice if youre not sure what to expect and worried of getting a bad quality or broken printer. It DOES work, and they will do right by you if it doesnt!I hear complaints of noise but it is pretty quiet in my opinion, my self cleaning litter box nearby is much louder.Their slicing software and printer thing leaves a lot to be desired, and the wifi print (sending your sliced object directly to the printer to be printed) feature just does NOT work, so I must leave off one star for that. But they provide you with a micro sd and a usb stick to plug in and transfer your files to the printer, so it honestly isnt that bad!Excited to print a lot of cool models now!
5.0 out of 5 stars IJW
Over the past ten years, I've had four FDM printers and three resin printers. So far, with a dozen prints in the past week, this printer resets the bar for all of them. It really does "just work", and works beautifully. At first, I thought this printer looked glossy and cheap, more form than function, a "Toy" rather than a "Tool". Instead, I've found it to be toy and tool, form and function, friendly and inexpensive. It feels like it belongs in your kitchen or office more than in your garage or shop. I print buildings & scenery for tabletop RPGs, and this thing excels at that.What it DOES: Small things. Quick starts. Precise details. Sharp edges. Clean rafts. Impossible bridges. Precarious overhangs.What it DOESN'T do: Big things (max 10x10x10cm). Wi-fi (I don't care, but the 2S has that if you do). Light (the 2S has that, too, but a handy flashlight is fine). Full-size spools (see below). Heated bed (PLA, no ABS, but again, the 2S has that). Frustrate. Waste time. Waste Money. Waste Desk Space. Fail (see below).Seriously, I've had to stop three prints because they had really small parts that detached from the bed, and a quick swipe of glue stick fixed the problem every time. Look up "3d print glue stick" here, Bolo has a million of them. It has a hook for holding small (100g) spools, but it's too small for regular kilogram spools. Look up "3d print spool roller", Bolo has a million of them like the one in the picture.For me, 3D printing is fun again, because It Just Works.
Producto no tienen las características que indica
No tiene la función wifi como indica en la descripción
Quality and simplicity
I wanted a smaller printer so I could do little prince without having to set up the big one each time. As a result, I actually like this printer over my big printer! So simple to use, prints are accurate, and has been a wonderful printer to use thus far. I’d recommend this printer to beginners, and advanced users who want a small printer.Note: I recommend that you use the manufacturer’s version of Cura instead of Wiibuilder. Wiibuilder caused artifacts and other unpleasant results when used. Cura worked fine.Pros:Auto leveling.Removable bed.Easy to change filament.Easy to use.Accurate prints.Fast heating nozzle.Cons:Very small filament holder. Need smaller rolls or to carefully unwind what you’ll need off a bigger roll and monitor for issues.Wiibuilder - don’t use it, use their Cura version.The reset button can cause the print head to jam into the print plate, so watch out for that.
ottima stampante per iniziare
La stampante è molto compatta e funziona bene.Bisogna considerare che non ha il letto riscaldato e la ventola per raffreddare i layer stampati.L'unica ventola presente è utilizzata per raffreddare l'estrusore e l'aria viene convogliata anche per raffreddare i layer stampati, ma il flusso dell'aria non è sufficiente per raffreddarli adeguatamente in modo rapido.Per quanto riguarda la mancanza del letto riscaldato sul letto viene applicato un adesivo di carta, che può essere sostituito con quelli di ricambio ed al termine utilizzare del comune nastro di carta che si usa per fare le mascherature quando si da il bianco in casa. Le stampe vengono bene. Con alcune stampe ho un fastidioso problema che fa si che si blocchi lo schermo e non mi permette di vedere il tempo residuo di stampa o effettuare modifiche al volo su velocità di stampa, flusso, ecc, in ogni caso, anche durante questo blocco, la stampa prosegue in autonomia. Il problema non è sempre presente, ma non ho ancora capito a cosa sia dovuto. Il venditore Entina (ottimo venditore) mi ha supportato per aiutarmi fornendomi un nuovo firmware che purtroppo non ha risolto il problema, ma almeno apprezzo l'impegno.In ogni caso mi ritengo soddisfatto dell'acquisto anche se si potrebbero apportare alcune migliorie: piedini con velcro, filtro antipolvere sul filamento, sensore di presenza filamento, letto riscaldato, led per illuminare piano di stampa, fan duct per raffreddare il filamento che esce dal nozzle. La cosa bella è che la maggior parte di queste migliorie si possono stampare in autonomia con la stessa stampante (come ad esempio il fan duct presente sul sito Cults3d "tina2 fan duct for standard 40x40x10").
Can't go wrong. Great precise printing.
The media could not be loaded. Probably the best entry level printer, for all age groups. Great printing accuracy and performance.
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Product origin: United States
Electrical items shipped from the US are by default considered to be 120v, unless stated otherwise in the product description. Contact Bolo support for voltage information of specific products. A step-up transformer is required to convert from 120v to 240v. All heating electrical items of 120v will be automatically cancelled.
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