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4.6 out of 5
92.31% of customers are satisfied
5.0 out of 5 stars Great product for first timers
(function(){ P.when('cr-A', 'ready').execute(function(A) { if(typeof A.toggleExpanderAriaLabel === 'function'){ A.toggleExpanderAriaLabel('review_text_read_more', 'Read more of this review', 'Read less of this review'); } }); })() We were looking for a 3-D printer for son and purchase this one. Under the right settings the prints come out amazing. It was easy set up and use. Having never printed a 3-D model before it was extremely intuitive. I think with all 3-D printers it comes down to the settings for supports, and this printer has a program that easily manages that. Even my nine-year-old son was able to print STL files relatively easy.
5.0 out of 5 stars Creality K1 SE - Prints great with stock settings - needs a side spool mount
I bought the Creality K1 SE a little over a week ago. I had an Ender 3 S1 before this printer. The K1 SE is so, so much easier to print with right out of the box! I definitely recommend it. It's a good way to get the improvements that were built into Creality's K1C, but at a nicer price. Plus, you can install your own version of Klipper if you want.I've printed 10 or so things in PLA and PETG, and I haven't had any failed prints. The automatic bed leveling has just worked. I have not had any problems with bed adhesion. On the Ender 3 S1, I only used a textured PEI plate, but the smooth build plate on the K1 SE works fine. The extruder cooling fan also seems ok for what I've printed so far. I printed an overhang test and the 75 degree overhang looks fine, but it had trouble at 80 degrees. The bridging test looked ok. (The longest bridge was only 25 mm on that test however.)I've put the printer in a soft-sided enclosure that I had used for my old Ender 3 S1. (It's easy to find similar encolsures.) The LEDs on the K1 SE are bright enough to see inside which is something that I was concerned about before I purchased. However, this enclosure makes it difficult to access the back of the printer where the filament spool is mounted, so I designed a mount that clamps onto the side-bar - see the pictures. The files are on Printables - "Creality K1 SE Side Spool Mount".
1.0 out of 5 stars Broke after first week
Worked great the first week, now it’s giving an error about nozzle heat not high enough and no matter what I do it won’t go off. Replaced nozzle, going to try to return.
5.0 out of 5 stars Absolute must have for beginners
The media could not be loaded. absolutely KILLER printer i love it so so much. It’s my first one and i got it dialed in and under an hour!. the self leveling feature is an absolute lifesaver and works every single time. Prints PLA and PetG like a champ i haven’t tried other filaments yet. Works great for smaller prints i love printing food cups for my geckos. Wifi connectivity is a downside but sd card files through cura work 100% of the time
4.0 out of 5 stars Fun to use
This is a great tool to have. My 12 yr old worked and earned the money for it and uses it all the time. Easy to set up and he does it in his own. Only wish it didn't shake so much, kinda gets loud
5.0 out of 5 stars Fast, Accurate, Easy
The Creality K1, K1C, and this K1 SE Early essentially the same printer with some minor differences. This is by far the best 3D printer I've ever owned and has been a breeze to print with. I can get it connected wirelessly and manage all my prints from my devices. I opted to also purchase the add-on camera which I will install later.Prints are fast, the adhesion has been great, and The quality of the printed objects has been phenomenal, the supports have also been really easy to remove.My only complaint is that the printer is silent when you turn it on, but after it finishes a print, there is a fan inside the machine that never shuts off and can get a little irritating. Also, since coming from an Elegoo printer, I miss the direct extrusion and the creality machine is a pain to load and unload. It wastes far too much filament getting it out of the tubing.All in all, this barebones system saves me $200 on what is essentially is the same printer as the K1C. I won't be able to print carbon fiber, but that's a non-issue for me personally. This thing really was plug and play right out of the box.
5.0 out of 5 stars What a great printer
The is my first 3D printer so I have no object of comparison, but I've been pretty happy with it with some minor niggling. The only two materials I have printed is PLA and NylonX which have turned out really quality prints when everything is done correctly. Here are my thoughts on making this printer so much better than it already is and for first time 3D printer owners.Assembly: WARNING - the power supply is flipped to something like 235V out of the box. If your house is running 110V, you need to flip the switch on the back of the power supply FIRST! The printed assembly instructions were fine and easy to follow. In a couple of cases, it was easier to have another set of hands though, but overall, it's just screwing things into place and getting the wiring correct. All of the wires are labeled so you just need to pay attention. Don't be too concerned about the nest of wires hanging everywhere when assembled but do pay attention to how you routed them. If done incorrectly, you can have one of the wires yanked out while the nozzle or the bed moves. Also, the spool holder is shown in the instructions to be assembled on the right side of back right post, extending the foot print of the printer sideways. You can rotate the spool holder to the inside of the back right post (see my picture) making the width of the printer no wider than where the LCD screen is mounted.First steps: Watch some videos on how to level the bed. I've been using the 'paper method' with an index card and it's worked out great. Get familiar with some terminology so you can easily research what problems you may run into correcting your prints. Some terms off the top of my head: STL, gcode, slicer, extrusion, (x,y,z) axis, PLA, ABS.Upgrades: The two upgrades that I would recommend maybe even before your first print is a glass bed and stiffer bed springs. If you're going to use glue or hairspray for better adhesion, the glass bed is easy to clean and the stiffer springs means less bed leveling between prints. I tried for an entire day to get the BLTouch to work and decided to just keep it disconnected. The instructions from Creality mentions a Z OffSet setting that's missing from their firmware and I went down a rabbit hole of recompiling new firmware that still didn't resolve my problem, so I would skip this unless you have a compelling reason to use it.Additional thoughts: just use Cura as your Slicer and skip the Creality one which is just an older version, reskinned version of Cura. Look up "Upgrades for Ender 5" for some ideas of what you can add to your printer (like the tool holders and LCD panel cover in my picture). Join /r/FixMyPrint, /r/3Dprinting, and /r/ender5 on Reddit for helpful resources and tips. The firmware that came with the printer is fine so don't worry about flashing it with anything new. The microSD card has a few STLs on there you should print first with the filament that came with the printer or look for benchy on Thingiverse.
5.0 out of 5 stars Impressed by how well this works
This is my first attempt at 3D printing, so I have a lot to learn about using it and different types of filaments. The Creality software works well, but I have a lot to learn about that as well.
Muy buen producto
(function(){ P.when('cr-A', 'ready').execute(function(A) { if(typeof A.toggleExpanderAriaLabel === 'function'){ A.toggleExpanderAriaLabel('review_text_read_more', 'Read more of this review', 'Read less of this review'); } }); })() Excelente producto. Muy buena para iniciar, es intuitiva y fácil de usar, más si ya has tenido contacto con impresoras 3d.
Boa impressora para ingressar no universo da impressão 3D
A montagem não chega a ser complicada, mas, o manual não ajuda como deveria, sendo interessante recorrer a videos do youtube para evitar algum transtorno de erro na montagem. O sistema não funcionou ao ser ligada (tela azul no display). Considerei a possibilidade de devolução, mas, ao ver alguns videos no Youtube (de novo), achei algo que parecia ser uma possibilidade de solução e tente. Funcionou. A partir daí, não tive mais problemas e tenho conseguido bons resultados com as impressões em si.
Ein fantastischer Einstieg in die Welt des 3D-Drucks!
Als begeisterter Hobby-Bastler und Technik-Enthusiast war ich auf der Suche nach einem zuverlässigen 3D-Drucker, der mir Qualität und Benutzerfreundlichkeit bietet, ohne die Bank zu sprengen. Der Creality Ender 3 V2 Neo hat mich von Anfang an beeindruckt und ich kann nicht aufhören, über seine großartigen Funktionen zu schwärmen.1. Einfache Einrichtung und Bedienung:Die Einrichtung dieses 3D-Druckers war ein Kinderspiel. Die mitgelieferte Anleitung war gut strukturiert und leicht verständlich. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit war der Drucker betriebsbereit und ich konnte meine ersten Projekte starten. Die intuitive Benutzeroberfläche des Ender 3 V2 Neo erleichtert die Bedienung auch für Anfänger enorm.2. Präziser Druck:Die CR Touch Auto-Nivellierungsfunktion ist ein absolutes Highlight dieses Druckers. Sie sorgt dafür, dass die Druckplatte immer perfekt kalibriert ist, was zu präzisen und fehlerfreien Druckergebnissen führt. Selbst komplexe Modelle werden mit erstaunlicher Genauigkeit gedruckt, ohne dass man ständig nachjustieren muss.3. Robuste Bauweise:Die Verarbeitungsqualität des Ender 3 V2 Neo ist beeindruckend. Die PC-Federstahlplattform bietet eine stabile Grundlage für den Druckvorgang, während der Metall-Bowden-Extruder eine zuverlässige Materialzufuhr gewährleistet. Dieser Drucker fühlt sich solide an und ich habe das Vertrauen, dass er mich nicht im Stich lassen wird.4. Leise Betriebsgeräusche:Die 32-bit Geräuscharme Hauptplatine des Ender 3 V2 Neo sorgt für einen leisen Betrieb, selbst bei längeren Druckaufträgen. Dies ist besonders angenehm, wenn man den Drucker in einem Wohnbereich oder Büro aufstellt, da störende Geräusche auf ein Minimum reduziert werden.5. Großartiges Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis:Für die gebotene Qualität und Funktionalität ist der Creality Ender 3 V2 Neo einfach unschlagbar im Preis. Als Einsteiger in die Welt des 3D-Drucks bekommt man hier wirklich viel geboten, ohne ein Vermögen ausgeben zu müssen. Dieser Drucker ist eine Investition, die sich definitiv auszahlt.Insgesamt kann ich den Creality Ender 3 V2 Neo jedem empfehlen, der auf der Suche nach einem hochwertigen, benutzerfreundlichen und erschwinglichen 3D-Drucker ist. Mit diesem Gerät macht das 3D-Drucken einfach Spaß und die Möglichkeiten sind endlos!
Ottimo acquisto
È stato un regalo ed io non ne capisco molto, ma l'ho vista in funzione secondo un mio parere e' perfetta
Easy to assemble, excellent outcome
It was my first 3d printing experience. Came truly mostly assembled, literally 4 screws, 4 connectors and loading the filament. And the outcome is attached :) there is no touchscreen, which is totally unnecessary. But seems missing wifi is the only downside, so have to load the code every time using MicroSD.
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Electrical items shipped from the US are by default considered to be 120v, unless stated otherwise in the product description. Contact Bolo support for voltage information of specific products. A step-up transformer is required to convert from 120v to 240v. All heating electrical items of 120v will be automatically cancelled.
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